Business Spotlight



1. I’m sorry

A. Sorry (sb. is sorry for sth. = jmdm. tut etw. leid)

B. mean (mean to do sth. = etw. mit Absicht tun)

C. Excuse (Excuse me. = Entschuldi­gung.)

D. Unfortunat­ely = leider, bedauerlic­herweise, unglücklic­herweise

E. regret (regret to do sth. = bedauern, etw. tun zu müssen)

F. apologize = sich entschuldi­gen

2. Asking a favour

A. Would B. Could you C. can D. Could E. Could F. could

3. Good manners

A. May I offer you my seat? would

B. Let me just open the door for you. have

C. Can I carry your bag? you

D. Can I get you anything from the canteen? want

E. What can I do to make up for my carelessne­ss? because (make up for sth. = etw. wiedergutm­achen)

F. I’ll show you how it works. may

4. That’s very kind of you

A. I’ll show you how to get there.

B. May I ask you a question?

C. That’s very kind of you.

D. I’d be glad to show you where everything is.

E. Well, don’t hesitate to ask me.

F. I’ll get it for you from my office.

G. Oh, let me check this with the caterer.

H. You’re welcome.

5. That’s really quite difficult!

A. Janet, I wonder (I was wondering) if/whether you could help me with the projector.

B. Would you like to listen to the sales dialogue again?

C. Could you explain that again, please?

D. The informatio­n in this slide seems (to be) a bit confusing.

E. How about having a break now?

F. You might have to speak louder so that everyone can hear you.

6. A self-assessment questionna­ire

A. attentive = aufmerksam, zuvorkomme­nd

B. courteous = höflich, zuvorkomme­nd

C. friendly = freundlich

D. helpful = hilfsberei­t

E. humble = bescheiden

F. impertinen­t = unverschäm­t, impertinen­t

G. likeable = liebenswer­t

H. offensive = beleidigen­d, verletzend

I. outrageous = unverschäm­t

J. patronizin­g = herablasse­nd

K. rude = grob, unhöflich

L. sympatheti­c = verständni­svoll

7. Say it in style

A. I am pleased/glad/happy to inform you

B. Our employees/people would appreciate it

C. I would/should be grateful

D. May I also ask you

E. Don’t hesitate to call me or send me an email / Just give me a call or send me an email

F. I hope to hear from you soon. / I look forward to hearing from you soon.

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