Business Spotlight



The legal drama The Good Wife ran for seven seasons and was one of the most popular series on US television. The Good Fight, a spin-off of that series, features some of the same characters, chiefly Christine Baranski as high-powered lawyer Diane Lockhart and Cush Jumbo as smart young associate Lucca Quinn. Produced by the husband-and-wife writing team of Robert and Michelle King, who also created The Good Wife, this is an absorbing, fast-moving series that skilfully mixes drama and comedy. absorbing , fesselnd [EB(ZO:BIN] associate [E(seusiet] , Sozius, Partner(in) chiefly [(tsi:fli] , hauptsächl­ich; hier: allen voran feature sb. [(fi:tse] , jmdn. zeigen; hier: als Besetzung haben lawyer [(lo:je] , Anwalt/anwältin legal [(li:g&l] , hier: Juristen-, Anwaltssea­son [(si:z&n] , hier: Staffel spin-off [(spin Qf] , Spin-off, Ableger

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