Business Spotlight

Exercise 1: Sun, wind or water?


Unscramble the letters of the words in bold, all of which are listed on page 52.

Sue and Ron are are currently preparing an exhibition on( A)le rn ewe ab

energy in an old factory building. There will be photos of a(B)t rich yo le cd re

plant in Canada: a(n)

(C)oi rs rev er surrounded by beautiful scenery. The huge( D) mad is impressive, as are the(E)l al f pipes leading down to the( F)ow per


A manufactur­er of (G) volpohicto­ta

systems has provided two models: one of a house with solar(H)p es anl

on the roof and another one of an area with solar( I)los me du consisting of 64 tiny solar(J)slelc.

In another room, a miniature model of a(n) (K)niwd turbine will be setup, with a five-met re-high( L)row te.

Visitors can actuate the( M) or tor

blades by pushing a button. Informatio­n boards with photos showing the interior of a(n)(N)c an elle explain how

(O)niwd energy is generated.

The(P)b as goi plant will be the highlight of the exhibition. Visitors are taken to an actual farm! There they can put

(Q) sam bi os into a(n)

(R) na ry pl ire mi tank, from which it moves through a pipe into the

(S) st di ge er of a huge do med shaped( T) sag holder.

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