Business Spotlight

Test yourself!

See how well you know the words and phrases presented in this booklet by doing the exercises below.



1. Replace the phrases in bold with the correct options.

A. So, what’s the budget upper limit?

1. floor

2. roof

3. ceiling

B. We need to minimize the risk of cost increases that we have not calculated.

1. overrun

2. runover

3. running over

C. They were late with the templates, so we can charge

an additional amount of money.

1. a punishment

2. a prize

3. a penalty

D. What kind of period of time in which everything has to happen do we have?

1. timeframe

2. timezone

3. time sheet

2. What could you say in the following situations?

A. You want to ask if the deadlines are final and cannot be changed.

B. You want to show that you agree with someone who has made an important point about a problem or issue.

C. You want to check that everyone agrees to hold a short meeting every day.

D. You feel you have too much work and too many people want you to do things at the same time. What could you say?

3. Replace each German word (in italics) in the sentences below with the correct English word. A.

(Heimarbeit) is often more productive.

B. This decision has to be taken by my

(Ressort), so I’ll take care of it. C. This is far too long. It needs to be more


D. Only

(mit hohem Aufwand) would we be able to meet the new deadline.

4. Choose the correct options to complete the following sentences.

A. We will need the presentati­on by/until Friday.

B. You shouldn’t upload the new design by/until we get the green light.

C. If we finish by/until 3 p.m., we could send everything today.

D. We only have by/until tomorrow morning to check the changes.

E. Please be on/in time. The meeting starts at 10 a.m., so don’t come a second later!

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