
I take breaks during the course of the day whenever I can.


In Australia, it’s known as a “smoko” break, but we just have lunch and a drink. Because it gets very hot in this country, we drink lots of water and stamina drinks with salt supplement­s. Then I just keep working through the course of the afternoon to get the job finished. I absolutely love doing something different every day. It keeps things interestin­g. I won’t be giving this up anytime soon.

I finish up for the day in the late afternoon. I usually call my wife to let her know that I’m on my way home. We have these big double gates outside the house, and she’ll open them for me to drive my car and the trailer into the backyard to keep the equipment safe for the night.

I’m usually covered in dust, dirt and bits of timber and shavings, so I’ll have a shower. Then my wife and I will discuss our day and what’s happening the next day. We organize a drink, usually something alcoholic or a cup of tea. Then we have dinner together. We don’t have any children at home to worry about at this stage of our lives, but we do have a small dog to look after. Once we’ve had dinner and a few more drinks, we watch TV for an hour or two. I generally go to bed between 8.30 and 9.30 p.m., and that’s the end of my day.

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