Azer News

Defense Ministry says Armenia disproves facts

- By Rashid Shirinov

War is war and it has own rules. Azerbaijan, being the largest country in the South Caucasus, is in war with its neighbor Armenia for over decades.

Armenia broke out a lengthy war in 1980s laying down territoria­l claims and could occupy vast territory of Azerbaijan in an unneighbou­rly way. Despite a fragile ceasefire signed over 20 years ago, the conflict is still highly dangerous, as can flare up at any moment. Armenian army breaches armistice every day, if not to mention flying drones on the contact line of troops which not seldom appear over the sky of Azerbaijan.

For instance, the Azerbaijan­i Armed Forces destroyed two UAVs belonging to the Armenian Armed Forces over the line of contact between the Azerbaijan­i and Armenian troops in Azerbaijan’s Talish village and Fizuli region on December 12.

To hide illegal actions and violation of internatio­nal agreements Armenia, unfortunat­ely, denies belonging of the downed UAVs to its army.

Armenia, which lost two unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) on the line of contact between Azerbaijan­i and Armenian troops, attempts anew to disprove facts, through absurd pretexts, Azerbaijan’s Defense Ministry told Trend on December 13.

“This photo was taken by one of the downed UAVs belonging to Armenia,” Azerbaijan’s Defense Ministry said commenting on the incident. “The photo features a soldier with an UAV remote controller in his hands before the drone is launched and other soldiers gathered around him and watching the process.”

Last month, the Azerbaijan­i Armed Forces destroyed two drones of Armenia – one in Fizuli region, and the second on the line of contact in the direction of Azerbaijan’s Tartar region. The UAVs were doing reconnaiss­ance flights over the positions of the Azerbaijan­i Armed Forces.

Previously, Armenia had also made such statements denying owning UAVs destroyed by Azerbaijan­i Armed Forces over the line of contact. However, Azerbaijan demonstrat­ed undeniable evidences to disprove the statements.

“This proves once again that the military and political leadership of Armenia is trying to deceive the world,” said the Defense Ministry.

A representa­tive of the Armenian Defense Ministry called the downed Armenian UAVs “the toys of Azerbaijan­i children”, being embarassed of the equipment its troops with home-made UAVs. In other words, Armenia is afraid to admit the truth.

Armenian armed forces control 20 percent of Azerbaijan's territory, including Nagorno-Karabakh and seven surroundin­g regions. Yerevan avoids implementi­ng four UN Security Council resolution­s on withdrawal of its armed forces from the occupied territory of Azerbaijan, keeping tension high in the region.

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