Azer News

Armenia’s state debt approachin­g $6B

- By Rashid Shirinov

The state debt of Armenia, a poor South Caucasus nation, has now approached a critical point. The data released by the Armenian Finance Ministry show that the state debt of the country was $5,961.2 million in February, and this figure increased by $35 million in March.

About $5,478.3 million of the current total debt is the debt of the Armenian government – it has increased by $28.3 million since February.

Meanwhile, the external debt of Armenia is now more by $7.9 million than it was last month. The internal debt, in turn, increased by $20.4 million.

In addition, the external debt of the Central Bank of Armenia jumped by $6.7 million.

Thus, debts of Armenia are growing every month, but the socio-eco- nomic situation in the country is not improving, but rather is getting worse every day. This suggests that the gov- ernment of the country continues to spend the allocated loans for own needs, but not for the well-being of the Armenian population.

The economy of the country remains critical, demonstrat­ing unbelievab­ly low indices each year. Descending economy, high poverty and increasing outflow of people are the pure realities in Armenia, which lack any government­al scenario or program to change the situation.

The official data shows that every third citizen of Armenia lives in poverty, and this indicator is growing every year. Moreover, the unemployme­nt rate in Armenia still remains highest in the CIS area, while the wages in the country keep falling down.

In addition, the conflicts with neighbors, including the occupation of Azerbaijan­i lands, do not allow Armenia to join any regional project and gain any benefits. As a result, the Armenian population suffers from the situation.

All these give grounds to say that the government of Armenia will continue to take additional loans that will go literally nowhere.

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