
Uncle Ben’s gets a new name


The “Uncle Ben’s” brand, which dates to 1946, is getting a new name and new branding after it came under heavy criticism for promoting racial stereotype­s. The rice product, which was marketed with the image/logo of an elderly African American man wearing a bow tie will be dropped from the packaging. It will be renamed “Ben’s Original” and will drop the character “to create more equitable iconograph­y.”

“We are not just changing our name and the image on the package, but also taking action to enhance inclusion and equity,” parent company Mars Food wrote on its website. “We have a responsibi­lity to take a stand in helping to put an end to racial bias and injustices. As we listen to the voices of consumers, especially in the Black community, and to the voices of our associates worldwide, we recognize that now is the right time to evolve the Uncle Ben’s brand, including its visual brand identity.” Mars has announced it was reviewing the product in June in the wake of racial justice protests following the killing of George Floyd.

“We listened to our associates and our customers and the time is right to make meaningful changes across society,” said Fiona Dawson, global president for Mars Food, multisales and global customers. “When you are making these changes, you are not going to please everyone. But it’s about doing the right thing, not the easy thing.” Packaging with the new name will hit stores next year.

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