Gulf Today

Declutteri­ng delight: Just get rid of it! Declutteri­ng the house is about so much more than tidying up

- Shappi Khorsandi,

Ihave taken decluterin­g to the next level. This week I gave myself the git of geting rid of clothes I no longer wear, including all the clothes I bought in the last couple of years that don’t fit me anymore. Lockdown weight is harder to shit than baby weight and I’m taking the pressure off. Maybe one day I’ll be a size 8-10 again, but having a heap of clothes that don’t fit glaring at me everytime I opened my wardrobe to grab some leggings and a T-shirt was geting me down.

The thought of one day being able to slink into them again wasn’t giving me an incentive to lose weight. Their presence just made me want to eat an entire bag of Co-op sea salt and Chardonnay crisps. (If you haven’t had these by the way, they are the crisp equivalent of the magical Turkish delight in The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe. You know, the Turkish delight Edmund was so desperate to get, he was willing to betray his brother and sisters to an evil witch just so he could eat them again. I’m not exaggerati­ng, these crisps are that addictive. I need to stop talking about them as I’ve not had them for two weeks and talking about them puts me in danger of falling off the wagon.) So off went five bags of my clothes to the charity shop and my world is a lot happier, lighter and more activewear-heavy. Decluterin­g isn’t just about tidying up. It literally takes the weight off. I’m processing a huge amount of Big Life Stuff at the moment and I’m finding that taking chaos and cluter and unnecessar­y objects out of my house is giving me the head space to dealing with some prety sad stuff (which I will probably write about in a future column, as is my way, but for now, it’s all about cupboards).

Ater my wardrobe, I tore through the kitchen cabinets and got rid of so much stuff, the place echoed. “If in doubt, throw it out” was my mantra, as surplus pots and pans and teapots were chucked into the charity box.

My father, too, has been decluterin­g his garage ater decades of it being so full of old things that you could only walk through it like you were in one of those square puzzles, constantly moving the one gap there is around so that you fit.

“Everytime I looked at the garage I felt depressed,” my hoarder father told me. The garage had been in that state for more than 15 years. Fiteen years of your junk making you unhappy is too long. There was no sign of the bicycle I’d let in there all that time ago. I think it was there so long under so much stuff that it either escaped or disintegra­ted.

I once sent profession­al decluterer Sarah Mcnaught, who I’d met on a Radio 4 show on the subject, photos of my dad’s garage. She looked at them and immediatel­y asked if he had lost someone close to him. I told her he’d lost his father when he was seven.the idea of a “profession­al decluter” might just make you think of Marie Kondo, but a good one like Sarah actually understand­s how much of our emotions are locked away in the stuff we hoard. It makes complete sense when she said that grieving and hoarding are oten connected. It’s very clear that when you deal with your cluter, you are dealing with your head and heart and emotions. It’s important not to let them get lost under the debris, like my poor bike.

No good comes of storing things you don’t need but don’t want to throw away. The declutteri­ng continued to my atic where I found my son’s blue “it’s a boy!” cuddly bear. I thought about washing it and keeping it, but there was no need. He would not be interested in it. As Marie Kondo, the decluter guru would put it, it did not “spark joy”. I thought what does spark joy is my actual son, now a brilliant and funny 13 year old, who was in his bedroom. A taty old toy with mice droppings on it didn’t need to live with us anymore.

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