Gulf Today

When all eyes were meant to be on the Queen Elizabeth’s funeral, most were on Meghan Markle

- Victoria Richards, Theindepen­dent

When I opened Twiter this morning on my commute, I closed it down almost immediatel­y. Not because I was “funeralled out”, as some on social media have suggested they felt – though we have been focusing on the death of the Queen in The Independen­t newsroom, of course, for the past 10 days without fail.

To the contrary: I have found working on the monarch’s memorial since the moment her death was announced profoundly moving and quite captivatin­g; from the surprising, heady romance of The Queue of people lining up for hours to file past her coffin, right through to the austere ceremonial gun salutes and sombre, beautiful renditions of “The Lord’s My Shepherd, I Shall Not Want” at Westminste­r Abbey yesterday.

I have been, like the rest of the nation, gripped by the sight of so many royals, dignitarie­s and world leaders; fascinated by both the insignific­ant

— what they were wearing — and the significan­t (the remarkable display of Britain’s “sot power”, as dissected so cleverly by my colleague, John Rentoul, here).

So no, it was not because of saturation that I turned away from Twiter this morning — it is, ater all, every journalist’s “go to” for “post-match analysis” (and that includes the poignant pomp and ceremony of Queen Elizabeth being laid to rest) — but because of the vile hatred and bile being spewed in the direction of Meghan Markle.

“It’s clear she’s playing a game. It’s time we banned Meghan Markle from entering the UK,” someone frothed. “Harry married Meghan Markle in haste and the cracks are already evident”, said another – having apparently not noticed the couple holding hands just days ago as they let the Westminste­r Hall service honouring the Queen. Someone else sniped that Meghan had proved herself as an “actor” at the funeral; while one supposed “body language expert” for a right-wing US outlet declared Meghan “a fish out of water”. Much has been made of the fact that (yawn, wake me up when the idle gossip is over) Harry and Meghan sat in the – shock – second row during Queen Elizabeth’s funeral, while the Prince and Princess of Wales, William and Kate, sat up front.

One British newspaper declared that Meghan’s funeral oufit was an atempt to “ingratiate herself” with the royals; as though wearing black at a memorial were something new and different; and GMB’S Dan Wooton, in an interview with Tom Bower (yes, the same Dan Wooton who was mocked for his “performati­ve mourning” ater asking a friend to film him poignantly laying flowers at the Queen’s memorial, while apparently taking four goes to get the best side of his grief) declared: “The only person that Meghan I think at the moment is crying for is for herself.

Certainly not for the Queen.”

Piers Morgan, meanwhile, saw fit to criticise Meghan for atending the funeral in the first place. “When I see her at all these events this week, I think a lot of British people find it very hard to stomach because they think, well, you made the Queen’s life so difficult the last two years of her life,” he told Fox News — echoing the spite expressed by journalist Petronella Wyat, who tweeted: “May God forgive Harry and Meghan for causing the Queen so much pain, for I never shall.” I saw sad and depressing tweets accusing Meghan of “bullying” Princess Charlote; other comments branding her a “witch” and accusing her of “smirking” as she let Westminste­r Abbey. “Go home Meghan Markle” was, unthinkabl­y, trending on Twiter — with all of the eyebrowrai­sing connotatio­ns such a sentiment holds for someone who has spoken previously about being treated differentl­y because she is biracial.

I was by far not the only one to notice the savage outpouring of vitriol in Meghan’s direction — one political commentato­r tweeted: “Meghan Markle isn’t perfect — nor is Prince Harry (although he put his life on the line for his country and stood up for people who struggle with their mental health). But the nastiness and the viciousnes­s directed at her (and Harry) come from a very dark place. Racism is rife.” Others agreed – and have righfully called it out. Meghan, meanwhile, rose to none of it. Instead, she was the very picture of grace and elegance; maintainin­g perfect composure and playing a supportive, role at the side of her husband, Prince Harry, who has recently lost his grandmothe­r. She was everything anyone could have expected of her – no different to Kate, no different to Camilla.

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