Gulf Today

Kerala woman released from seized ship returns home


KOCHI: Ms Ann Tessa Joseph, 21, a Malayali crew member of the MSC Aries cargo ship having links with Israel, seized by Iran’s Revolution­ary Guard on Saturday, returned to Kerala on Thursday.

Cadet Ann Tessa Joseph, one of the 17 Indians on board the container ship MSC Aries, arrived at Cochin Internatio­nal Airport at Nedumbasse­ry Thursday morning.

“With the concerted efforts of the Indian mission in Tehran and the Iranian government, Indian deck cadet Ms Ann Tessa Joseph from Thrissur, Kerala, who was among the Indian crew members of container vessel MSC Aries, has landed safely at the Cochin Internatio­nal Airport today aternoon,” Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), said. At the airport, Joseph was received by the regional passport officer.

The communicat­ion between the 16 Indian crewmen of the cargo ship and their Indian embassy in Tehran is ongoing. “The Indian mission in Tehran remains seized of the mater and is in touch with the remaining 16 Indian crew members of the container vessel,” the MEA said. The crew members are in good health and in contact with their family members in India.

“Indian Mission is also in touch with the Iranian authoritie­s in ensuring the well being of the remaining crew members of MSC Aries,” MEA said.

Minister for External Affairs S Jaishankar had spoken to his Iranian counterpar­t, Amir Abdollahia­n, on the mater four days ago.

The Special Naval Forces of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) seized ‘MSC Aries’ on 13 April reportedly in view of its links with Israel.

Ms Ann was greeted by her parents, relatives and friends when she reached her house on Thursday. She told media persons that Iranian commandos treated the crew members well. Ann also described her life on the ship under Iranian control.

“The commandos kept all the crew together. But they did not mistreat us. They had no issues with us - but only with the ship’s owners,” said Ann.

Initially, she and her colleagues did not realise what was happening. With the other crew members, Ann carried on with her regular duties on the vessel.

However, they gradually learnt that Iranian commandos had boarded the ship from a helicopter and captured the vessel. “We knew that there was tension following the conflict involving Israel, but did not expect such an atack,” said Ann.

Among the 17 Indian citizens on the ship, four were from Kerala.

“We could meet and interact with each other during mealtime,” said Ann.

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