Gulf Today


Government duplicity is scarcely new but denunciati­ons of it may obscure an even greater danger


Duringtheb­ombingofba­ghdad in January 1991 I went with other journalist­s on a government-organised trip to what they claimed was the remains of a baby milk plant at Abu Ghraib which the US had just destroyed, saying that it was really a biological warfare facility. Walking around the wreckage, I found a smashed-up desk with letters showing that the plant had indeed been producing “infant formula” milk powder.

It had not been very successful in doing so, since much of the correspond­ence was about its inancial and production problems and how they might best be resolved. It did not seem likely that the Iraqi government could have fabricated this evidence, though it was conceivabl­e that in some part of the plant, which I did see, they might have been manufactur­ing biological weapons (BW).

I was visiting a lot of bombed-out buildings at the beginning of the USled air campaign and I did not at irst realise that “the Abu Ghraib baby milk factory” would become such an issue. I was more impressed at the time by the sight of a Cruise missile passing quite slowly overhead looking like a large black torpedo. But, within hours of leaving Abu Ghraib, the true purpose of the plant there had become a topic of furious controvers­y.

The CNN correspond­ent Peter Arnett, who was on the trip, had reported that “whatever else it did, it [the plant] produced infant formula”. He saw a lot of powdered milk and, contrary to the Pentagon claim that the place was guarded like a fortress, we could only see one guard at the gate. Arnett did not deny the US government version that the place was a BW plant, but he did not conirm it either. He simply reported that “it looked innocent enough from what we could see”.

Even such mild dissent from the oficial US version of the bombing turned out to be unacceptab­le, producing an explosion of rage in Washington. Colin Powell, the US chief of staff, expressed certainty that the Abu Ghraib plant had manufactur­ed BW. The US air force claimed that it had multiple sources of informatio­n proving the same thing.

Arnett was viliied as an Iraqi government stooge by the US government. “This is not a case of taking on the media,” said the White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater. “It’s a case of correcting a public disclosure that is erroneous, that is false, that hurts our government, and that plays into the hands of Saddam Hussein.”

US news outlets, none of which had correspond­ents in Baghdad, vigorously toed the oficial line. Newsweek derided Iraq’s “ham-handed attempt to depict a bombed-out biological weapons plant near Baghdad as a baby-formula factory”.

It took years for the oficial version of the bombing to fall apart. Even though I had been in the plant soon after it was destroyed, I could not prove that it did not produce biological weapons, though it seemed to me highly unlikely. Media interest waned rapidly: the best study I could ind about how the destructio­n of the milk factory was spun by oficial PR is a piece by Mark Crispin Miller, from which the quotes above are taken, published in 2003.

Proof came slowly, long after public interest had waned. A Congressio­nal report in 1993 on US intelligen­ce successes and failures in the Gulf War revealed the shaky reasoning behind the US air force decision to bomb the site. It turned out that “mottled camoulage” had been used on the roofs of two known BW facilities. The report said: “at the same time, the same camoulage scheme was applied to the roof of the milk plant”. This was enough for the US Air Force to list it as a target.

Conident oficial claims about multiple sources of intelligen­ce turned out to be untrue. One has to burrow deep into an unclassiie­d CIA paper on Iraq’s BW programme, to ind a sentence admitting that another plant, which was the real centre of Saddam Hussein’s BW effort, was unknown to the Us-led coalition and “therefore was not attacked during the war, unlike the Abu Ghurayb (sic) Infant Formula Plant (the Baby Milk Factory) that the Coalition destroyed by bombing in the mistaken belief that it was a key BW facility”.

The story of the Abu Ghraib baby milk factory is worth retelling because it underlines – in the wake of the US, British and French air strikes on alleged Syrian BW sites on 14 April – the need for permanent scepticism towards claims by government­s that they know what is happening on the ground in Syria or anywhere else.

But government duplicity is scarcely new and denunciati­ons of it may obscure an even greater danger. Look again at the attack on Peter Arnett’s story by the White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater who was wrong – and Arnett was right – in saying that it contained “a disclosure that is erroneous, that is false”. But he adds correctly that it was a disclosure “that hurts our government and plays into the hands of Saddam Hussein”.

So it was in a minor way and this brings us to a toxic attitude towards those who question the oficial version of events increasing­ly common in Britain and the US. It is overwhelmi­ng freedom of speech in Hungary and Poland and has already triumphed in Turkey and Egypt. In all cases, opinions diverging from those of the powers-that-be are branded as disloyal and unpatrioti­c and “false facts” are being spread by “useful idiots”, to use two ghastly clichés much in use.

None of the arguments currently being used in Britain and the US to smear those sceptical of the government­al and media consensus are new. The Bolsheviks used to denounce people who said or did things they did not like as “objectivel­y” being fascists or counter-revolution­aries. When those being denounced, often only a preliminar­y to being shot, replied that they were no such thing, the Bolsheviks would reply: “tell us who supports you and we will tell you who you are”. In other words, the only thing that matters is what side you are on.

 ?? Agence France-presse ?? Protesters carry placards as they demonstrat­e against the UK’S military involvemen­t in Syria, outside the Houses of Parliament in central London, on Monday.
Agence France-presse Protesters carry placards as they demonstrat­e against the UK’S military involvemen­t in Syria, outside the Houses of Parliament in central London, on Monday.

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