Botswana Guardian

UDC People’s Court flops again

Witness currently in isolation after he tested positive for COVID- 19

- Nicholas Mokwena BG reporter

The much- anticipate­d People’s Court session which was scheduled for tomorrow ( Saturday) has been postponed once again. The People’s Court is a session by opposition parties led by Umbrella for Democratic Change ( UDC) where witnesses who were to testify in the 2019 general election petitions are to give account of how the elections were rigged by the ruling Botswana Democratic Party ( BDP).

After being convinced that the elections were rigged UDC launched petitions with the High Court to challenge the outcome. The petitioner­s however lost on technicali­ty and have been left with a huge legal bill.

During its first postponeme­nt, the UDC indicated that the lead counsel in the proceeding­s had a bereavemen­t and would not be available. This week UDC Spokespers­on Moeti Mohwasa said the key witness was not available hence the postponeme­nt. “We found it not appropriat­e to continue with the session without him as his presence is crucial for credibilit­y purposes. A new date will be shared after he has found a slot for us,” said Mohwasa. While this caused suspicion that the witness might have ditched the UDC like another Dikabelo Selaledi, the witness Moemedi Baikalafi revealed that he is still determined to testify.

He revealed in an interview that he has not made a u- turn but he is currently in isolation after he tested positive for COVID- 19. “I am here and have not made a u- turn on my decision to testify about what happened during the 2019 general election. Once I have been cleared a new date will be set and I would be there to tell it all. “Unlike others who have not been consistent, I have not done that and I am not about to change my mind because Batswana deserve the truth which is what I am determined to reveal. The truth shall prevail and everyone should rest assured that I am still part of the People’s Court session,” Baikalafi said.

Dikabelo Selaledi who was to be part of the session last month made a u- turn at the eleventh hour when the session was about to commence. Selaledi shocked many when he revealed that the BDP did not rig elections. He stated that as witnesses they made up the story just to get back at the BDP because they felt betrayed after the party failed to reward them with any positions while they had worked hard to ensure the party wins the elections. According to Selaledi they were promised payment by UDC 2019 elections financier to testify during the petitions. “The BDP and President Mokgweetsi Masisi did not rig the elections. We just made that up because we were frustrated by the leadership. Whatever we said in our affidavits are fabricatio­n and far from any truth. “The UDC leader and the party financier had promised to pay us to testify but have since somersault­ed on the promise. From all this conspiracy I was paid only P50 000.00 but was promised P500 000.00. The whole process was fraudulent,” Selaledi said at the time when he dropped the UDC. Selaledi was part of the campaign team for Gaborone North which has been won by BDP Secretary General Mpho Balopi who has been mentioned in affidavits as one of the mastermind­s of the election rigging.

 ??  ?? People's Court key witness Moemedi Baikalafi
People's Court key witness Moemedi Baikalafi

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