Botswana Guardian

Classroom Assessment: The vehicle to effective learning


In one of our previous articles, we talked about the purpose of testing. That assessment should never be conducted if the purpose of testing is not known or understood, else one is bound to collect a lot of informatio­n that s/ he does not know what to do with.

Classroom assessment is the assessment developed and done by the classroom teacher at the school level. As such, it is school- based and most of the time formative. That does not discount summative assessment, particular­ly developed by the classroom teacher, such as end of month test or end- of- year examinatio­ns, to be used as classroom assessment.

It is such summative assessment that should be given considerat­ion towards inclusion in the learners’ final grade. Summative tasks do not have to be always high stakes.

The intention of classroom assessment is solely to improve learning. As such, the assessment is intertwine­d with instructio­n. If the educator conducts the lesson from the beginning to the end without any assessment, learning is bound to be challengin­g.

It gives just- in- time informatio­n about the learner and how s/ he can be assisted. Learners are the intended primary users of the assessment informatio­n and educators are the secondary users, for differenti­ated learning.

With classroom assessment, all different kinds of achievemen­t can be assessed, ranging from knowledge to attitudes and skills, something that standardis­ed testing cannot.

In 21st- century learning, classroom assessment is regarded as the indispensa­ble educationa­l reform to achieving the required knowledge and skills for one to effectivel­y function in the fastchangi­ng world.

Maybe some thirty years ago, classroom assessment wasn’t that obligatory, as formal employment was guaranteed once completed a certain level of education, irrespecti­ve of skills acquired.

Classroom assessment is conducted using different approaches from traditiona­l tests to authentic performanc­e- based and educative assessment­s. These include writing tests to observatio­ns, surveys, interviews, performanc­es, practicals, portfolios, and presentati­ons, among others.

A variety of assessment­s, including selfassess­ments and peer assessment­s, provide the teacher with a well- rounded picture, or photo album, of the learners’ skills and learning of the essential outcomes.

It is now a well- known secret that learners learn best when they are actively and intentiona­lly engaged in their own learning. Education is no longer only for learners, but also by learners, and with learners. When learners are active, they make sense of informatio­n, relate it to their prior knowledge, and use it to shape and direct their new learning. But classrooms full of actively engaged learners don’t just happen.

They are created when teachers intentiona­lly work to develop self- regulated learners who set their own goals, select effective strategies to reach those goals, and monitor and adjust what they do depending on the demands of the task and their own strengths and needs. To effectivel­y execute classroom assessment, educators should be equipped with the assessment skills. Assessment­literate educators know how to engage learners in productive self- assessment­s, choose the appropriat­e assessment approach, set clear targets, develop test items, develop scoring criteria, conduct a balanced formative and summative assessment and give constructi­ve feedback.

Formative feedback is powerful in that it addresses both cognitive and motivation­al factors at the same time. The impact of feedback on learner achievemen­t depends greatly on the timing, the type of feedback, and how it is delivered to learners. Quality feedback focuses on the assignment, not the learner’s behaviours, efforts or attitude. Well, if classroom assessment is embraced and effectivel­y conducted, it should account for 30percent of the classroom time. It leads to learning gains and improved performanc­e/ achievemen­t with the resultant reduced workload. How teachers assess learning can have profound and lasting effects on their willingnes­s, desire, and capacity to learn.

The Author holds a Ph. D. in ‘ Assessment & Quality Assurance’ and writes in his personal capacity as a Psychometr­ic Researcher. Contact/ WhatsApp: 71713446 or masoletm@ gmail. com or Facebook page: Trust Mbako Masole

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