Botswana Guardian



First- class journalism by Al Jazeera has unearthed really horrid political pornograph­y that has been captured in living colour by the TV channel. The lead actor is a man of gold called Uebert “Angel” Mudzanire who masquerade­s as a man of God. The Zimbabwean­born, sharp- dressing, prosperity­gospel entreprene­ur not only plies his trade in Britain but also holds a British passport. Mudzanire also happens to be Zimbabwe’s Ambassador- at- Large, meaning that he has been issued with a diplomatic passport – which further means that he and his luggage are not searched at ports of entry when he travels the world. Al Jazeera’s four- part exposè revealed that Mudzanire is at the centre of a gold- smuggling ring that has been put together by the Zimbabwean government to get around economic sanctions imposed by western countries. Mudzanire reports directly to Zimbabwe’s new president- for- life, whom the world knows as Emmerson Mnangagwa. “Known” by that name because in the documentar­y the Zimbabwean president is referred to by at least seven names: ED, The Boss, The King, Tembo, Crocodile, No. 1, Father ( as in Godfather) and Mr. Jones. Mind you, these names are used by people who know the president very, very well. The Zimbabwean president can have as many names as he wants but as a neighbouri­ng country that periodical­ly does business with his country, it is important that we know what his real names are. Botswana has signed and continues to sign treaties with Zimbabwe. The presidents of the two countries have to append their signatures to the treaty documents but what if the Zimbabwean president is not who he says he is on such documents? Would those treaties be legally valid and enforceabl­e? Let’s not forget that the Al Jazeera documentar­y shows that the Zimbabwean president is indeed a shady character and rolls with equally shady characters ( like Mudzanire) who don’t use their real names. About the “ED” name: like Botswana’s Leader of the Opposition – whose title is abbreviate­d as “loo”, the Zimbabwean president may want to opt for a less embarrassi­ng choice of abbreviate­d name.

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