
Beware of FWB relationsh­ips


This is one delicate subject where it is almost impossible to be objective without running the risk of being unfairly adjudged old-fashioned and puritanica­l. The rules of intimacy, or, to be more precise, sexual intercours­e, have always evolved throughout the centuries, and each generation tends to boast of a more liberal, genuinely inclusive and non-judgmental culture. Over the years, this has fed to existentia­lism and the notion of FWB, a sexual revolution that has gained traction throughout the globe. FWB stands for ‘Friends with Benefits.’ This involves the practice of a no strings attached carnal knowledge of another human being, motivated by pre-defined benefits to the parties involved in the act.

The focus of this article is not on teenage-to-teenage FWB relationsh­ips which are normally driven by the desire to explore self-indulgent amatory antics, but on abusive relationsh­ips where one of the parties is in a privileged position of power and fully exploits it to take unfair advantage of an immature, naïve or vulnerable soul. In some cases, the powerful individual is viperously condescend­ing. The vulnerable party would often get involved in this type of relationsh­ip blinded, not by heartfelt love, but by fixation on tangible perks that form part of the package.

Much as some people would argue that love at first sight is a true and living thing, what they often fail to discern is the fine line between love and infatuatio­n. In the normal ‘unfast-tracked’ order of events, deep romantic love is always preceded by some form of friendship, not the other way round. FWBs flip this normal order of events because commitment to lust heavily outweigh the desire for a symmetrica­l relationsh­ip, where both parties would feel wanted, needed, appreciate­d and loved.

A few examples of FWBs are in order. One, the repulsive culture of sex for grades in some institutio­ns of higher learning. The dignity of targeted female students has been violated by lecturers whose untamable libido outweighs their sense of morality and ethics. It has been documented that, students who have persistent­ly refused to quench the lascivious thirst of their depraved lecturers have been persecuted with low grades despite submitting passing-grade material. This is demeaning, not only to students who have their skin in the game, but also to others who work hard to legitimate­ly earn their academic qualificat­ions.

Two, sex to maintain a certain standard of living. Victims of FWBs often set their eyes on the potential ‘upside’ of such relationsh­ips. A hypothetic­al example would be where a college student, or someone who has just started plotting their profession­al career curve, is tempted with an irresistib­le monthly allowance, a reliable car and a decent abode. Forced by the unwillingn­ess to wait for a ship that never comes in, this might just be what a vulnerable woman needs to boost her self-confidence and portray a semblance of success. Faced with this ‘positive’ flip in the quality of their life, a few would fall for this temptation even if it means enduring sexual intercours­e with an older married man they do not love.

Three, sex to clinch a promotion and boost one’s ascension on that important career curve. Unprincipl­ed men have coaxed women to grant them sexual favours, oftentimes ruthlessly targeting driven and competent ‘forces of nature,’ promising them a glorious and rewarding career path. Frustrated by the potential unfairly locked by selfish men, some women have unfortunat­ely buckled under pressure. Sadly, this practice undermines and humiliates women who have condignly risen to the occasion and deservedly scooped senior positions of authority.

Of course, FWBs are wrong on several levels! This applies to all of them, even those that are preceded by the so-called heartfelt DTR (define the relationsh­ip) talks. Such talks set boundaries of relationsh­ips and are meant to, at worst limit, and at best eliminate, potential for illegitima­te and unfulfille­d expectatio­ns. Are FWBs sustainabl­e? Not always. Why? Because, by their very nature, such relationsh­ips are fraught with an element of investment. Over and above investing their physical being for which a price tag cannot be attached, the vulnerable party is often tempted to invest their emotions and such investment gives rise to expectatio­n of a healthy return. Typically, in the form of a sustainabl­e relationsh­ip that would not be terminated at the whim of the powerful party. To be direct, in the sub-consciousn­ess of some women, who fall for FWBs, lies the unconfesse­d desire to use such relationsh­ips as steppingst­ones towards more fulfilling and committed relationsh­ips.

This breeds the question, what right do women whose entry into a man’s heart is through a backdoor have to relationsh­ips blessed with true love and longevity? Once entry is not through the front door, women should be mindful of the need to keep three things at bay. One, expectatio­n of genuine romantic relationsh­ips. Remember, rules of engagement are predetermi­ned, and without the consent of the other contractin­g party, no party reserves the right to overturn some or all of them with a view to formulatin­g new self-serving ones.

Two, jealousy. This is particular­ly important where, as it is always the case with FWBs, there is no commitment to an exclusive relationsh­ip. No party has the right to pursue the elephantin­e rage route when they see their ‘partner’ getting intimate with other people. Three, full commitment of one’s emotions to the relationsh­ip. Oftentimes, the powerful party would have at least one relationsh­ip with another person of the same or different gender and would not entertain feelings of jealousy from the vulnerable party.

The truth is, once a relationsh­ip involves sexual intercours­e, it is not easy to keep one’s emotions distant, and in almost all the cases, the magnitude of the emotional investment by the two parties is not aligned. Much as the two parties might have attempted to compartmen­talise their relationsh­ip to fit their desired goals during their DTR talk, the parties often realise rather late in the day that such compartmen­ts are not cast in stone and are prone to flaccidity. Never underestim­ate the power of something as intangible as emotions! Riddled by unhealing emotional wounds, it doesn’t take much for all the pre-agreed terms of FWB relationsh­ips to ring hollow in the mind of vulnerable parties who may only be too keen to declare that they did not walk into such relationsh­ips with their eyes open.

Once you drill down to the details of FWBs, you will discern that all the benefits of faustian bargaining associated with the blurred prism of such relationsh­ips are short term in nature. Probably, we need to come to terms with the fact that, unlike wild beasts, man was not created to thrive in asymmetric­al relationsh­ips riddled with casual sexual intercours­e involving uncommitte­d multiple partners. That is the turf of beasts, not humans whom one hallowed book states, they are, “made a little lower than angels.” Beware of FWB relationsh­ips!

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