
Magalaotan­e shares knowledge


Mogomotsi Kefitile, popularly known as Magalaotan­e in the spoken word art, uses poetry as a way of sharing knowledge with the young generation.

In an interview with Arts & Culture, the 23-year-old folklore poet said it was crucial that every Motswana is taught how to value Setswana poetry. Kefitile was born in Molepolole and started reciting poems while still in primary school. He added that he started to be recognised and was invited to perform at various school ceremonies.

“Our native language is taken lightly that it might end up vanishing so that is why I decided to recite my poems in my mother tongue. My grandfathe­r is a poet and so is my uncle hence I believe that poetry is in my blood. One of my inspiratio­n for poetry is Tsikitsiki whom I saw hammering his poems in the 2010 Presidenti­al Competitio­ns. My poems are based on Sekwena because that is where I was born,” he said.

His recent trending poem was dedicated to the late Motswako rapper, Dramaboi, who was also his role model. Magalaotan­e explained that he looked up to Dramaboi because his rap was based on Setswana language, adding that the public received the poem with open arms. The poem had many views, reactions and the public responded more positively to it. He said it was his first poem amongst many to get such attention.

Magalaotan­e added that he got most of his support from New Era College, which always invites him for any of the school events and gives him content related to Setswana. He added that he also got support from Neelo from the University of Botswana Arts Club who always connects him with other event organisers. This young man performed at different events as well as on television

programmes such as Kgwana Tsa Setso a programme on Maru TV, Dithubarub­a Cultural event and Miss Setso pageantry among others. He also scooped a few titles at various poetry competitio­ns.

Speaking of the challenges he faces, he pointed out that poetry was not given the attention it deserved locally as poets are always offered small payments. He added that poets had to be taught profession­alism adding that they had to have profiles they could use to present themselves and must also have social media accounts and other platforms they could use to promote their work.

“As a young person, I don’t only do Setswana poetry but I also have a tuition centre called Starkeeper­s Tuition Centre where I partnered with one Motswana youth. We give tutorials to primary school pupils and junior and senior secondary school students. I also mentor two young individual­s in poetry for free. I also have a club called Realm of Glory that empowers Christian youth to start businesses and grow in their Christian journey and social interactio­n. My Facebook page is called Magalaotan­e and also the YouTube channel is called by the same name,” he added.

 ?? ?? Mogalaotan­e

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