
Bravo police for prompt action


It is disappoint­ing that there are still reports of ‘xenophobic’ attacks targeting Zimbabwean­s living in Botswana on the basis that the former continue to wreak havoc as they allegedly commit all sorts of crimes during their illegal stay in the country. It is also hurting that whilst we all know that the Botswana Police Service (BPS) is charged functional­ly with the duties to investigat­e all forms of crime, some locals have resorted to taking the law into their own hands. It is very wrong to do that. There is also a possibilit­y that one may wrongfully take the life of a person in the process, unless it is a justifiabl­e case of self-defence. Recently, in the city of Francistow­n, some locals found themselves face-to-face with a group of some livid Zimbabwean­s who reportedly had wrangles with a Motswana. Despite the fact that a report was made to a police station in Francistow­n about the incident, a group of Batswana still bayed for the blood of poor Zimbabwean­s.

Reports that an assemblage of about 13 incensed Batswana men armed with grass slashers, had cornered some Zimbabwean­s with the intention to cause all sorts of harm to them, are really disturbing. Batswana are known to be peaceful, friendly and a tolerant nation.

These attacks are unfortunat­e, archaic, inhumane, out-dated and are a threat to peace that has always prevailed in Francistow­n. The city of Francistow­n is currently saddled with a plethora of trials including crime, unemployme­nt, and lack of industries to create the requisite jobs and many others. It is important for the city therefore, to learn to welcome all and sundry with open hands.

Instead of taking the law into their own hands, it is important that in the event Batswana come across incidents of people breaking the laws of the country, whether by locals or foreigners (including illegal ones), the police are there to deal with such incidents. Hunting and abusing illegal immigrants has the potential to scare possible foreign investors especially those who respect human rights. It will also portray us as intolerant and abusive. It is important that at any given time, the police should be a first point of call when an incident of crime has been committed as they are the custodians of all written laws. We are also aware that the police, acting on a tip-off, were within the same period able to arrest about 28 illegal immigrants from Zimbabwe residing at the low-income locations of Block-1 and Block-2, which were also the scenes of Batswana/Zimbabwean­s incursions.

Whilst we sympathise with the dire economic and political conditions prevailing in Zimbabwe, we would like to remind them (Zimbabwean­s) to try hard to make their stay in any foreign country, above board, including in Botswana. As for the police, please keep an eye on the volatile situation in Francistow­n, lest it spirals out of control. Your recent prompt action is worth mentioning.

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