The Midweek Sun



Exercising regularly, every day if possible, is one of the most important things you can do for your health. In the short term, exercise helps to control appetite, boost mood, and improve sleep. In the long term, it reduces the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, dementia, depression, and many cancers.

For adults of all ages

Exercise and physical activity are good for just about everyone, including older adults.

Physical activity is an important part of healthy aging.There are four main types and each type is different. Endurance, or aerobic, activities increase your breathing and heart rate.

• At least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise like brisk walking or 75 minutes of rigorous exercise like running every week. It’s fine to break up exercise into smaller sessions as long as each one lasts at least 10 minutes.

• Strength-training that works all major muscle groups at least two days a week. Strength training may involve lifting weights, using resistance bands, or exercises like push-ups and sit-ups, in which your body weight furnishes the resistance.

For children

At least 60 minutes of physical activity a day, most of which should be devoted to aerobic exercise. Children should do vigorous exercise and strength training, such as push-ups or gymnastics, on at least three days every week

Experts recommend that teens do 60 minutes or more of physical activity every day. Most of that should be moderate to vigorous aerobics activity. Aerobic activity is anything that gets your heart going for instance biking, dancing, or running. Then take a few minutes for some strength training . Exercises help build muscle and boost metabolism. Flexibilit­y is the third component of well-rounded exercise. In fact, easy exercises like planks, reverse crunches, and flutter kicks, are often the best.

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