The Midweek Sun

Practical ways a wife can support her husband


A man wants to know he can trust his wife with all the resources of the family as he sees them put to good use.

Respect is one of the pillars of support that every man looks for in a woman. I want to suggest some practical ways in which a wife can be supportive to her husband. These are not in order of priority, neither is this an exhaustive list. I trust that what I share here will stimulate you to think wider and broader as to how you can support your husband. You can rank them in the order that you feel is suitable for you and your husband. Men need much support when it comes to decision-making. When your husband thinks of something that is beneficial to the family and discusses it with you, affirm him by talking it through with him and find out how he came to that idea. Give him your unconditio­nal and unwavering support knowing that all members of the family will benefit from the decision. This affirmatio­n strengthen­s him and motivates him to lead with integrity. A woman who pursues a career lends a helping hand to the man she loves. Stimulate your intellect by pursuing a life of hard work in an area of interest. Show your husband that you have his heartbeat with regard to family success. Be dignified in your approach to life and resolve to be a woman of excellence. Avoid the laid-back approach that may portray lack of initiative and confidence. A hardworkin­g wife motivates her husband to go to work in the right frame of mind and increases his chances of promotion and self-enhancemen­t in his career. He knows that he’s not alone in the pursuit of a better life for his family. Be a woman who plans her day and is organized. Go to bed having planned your next day and get up early to accomplish what you have planned. Laziness leads to impoverish­ed lifestyles. Manage the home with excellence. This takes more effort than money. This is where a woman can display her wisdom, poise and strength of character. Management of resources in the home helps to create an atmosphere of confidence within the home. Knowing that the hard-earned resources are not being wasted fosters initiative and credibilit­y.

A man wants to know he can trust his wife with all the resources of the family as he sees them put to good use. Disciplini­ng the children when necessary is a supportive role which a wife should never lack. While the father is an authority figure in the home, he should not be perceived by his children as the sole disciplina­rian. This can create animosity and antagonism towards him. When a wife takes charge while her husband is not there it shows how much she appreciate­s his efforts as the leader. Maintain respect at all times for your husband. There will be times you will not feel like it, but remember that it is of vital importance. Respect is one of the pillars of support that every man looks for in a woman. When the children see you respecting their father, they will follow such an example. Give your husband the support he deserves and yours will be a happy family.

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