The Midweek Sun

Serei publishes new Setswana book titled, ‘Ntse ke Ithaya ke re...’


Otlaadisa Serei recently published a new book titled ‘Ntse ke ithaya ke re...’ that explores stereotype­s that Batswana have.

Serei told Vibe that young people will especially benefit from the book as it explores areas that have had little if not no research.

According to Serei, readers will look at life differentl­y and besides that by reading this book this will awaken imaginatio­n, shape attitudes and perspectiv­es about many areas in life.

“Students who are doing social sciences such as sociology will also benefit from researches in the book. Caretakers will benefit from family section, couples will benefit from love chapter, there are business ideas provided in the book for unemployed youth, more esepeciall­y,” he said.

Serei shared that writing the book was motivated by the fact that he has not come across a Setswana book that combines research, conversati­ons and humour. Either a book is a play, a comedy or a research. So he wanted to divert from the norm using Setswana language and confrontin­g real life challenges such as death in one tripartite of play, comedy and research. He noted that the book is two hundred and eighteen-page Setswana book that discusses stereotype­s nothing that these stereotype­s date from time immemorial, therefore, are passed from one generation to another. Serei said some of the stereotype­s are caused and felt by people such as colleagues and families.

“The myths cover a wide array of human practices and thoughts, norms and values.They come from societies, families, love relationsh­ip, traditions and health. The book discusses the struggles of growing and living in a patriarcha­l world. It brings out the root of personal feelings and suffering of ordinary people in ordinary places,” he said. Serei highlighte­d that the book should be more useful to young adolescent­s and adults of less than fifty years who are inquisitiv­e. It is meant to trigger the imaginatio­n of a scholar or even an average adult.

DEBUNKING: The book debunks several common myths

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