The Voice (Botswana)

LOVE FLAME Young lover torches Chief’s house


IT was just another day at the office last Friday when Mabesekwa Chief, Tshwaro Masisi, glanced out of the courtroom window and noticed smoke swirling in the distance.

Sitting at the kgotla, the 43-year-old royal at first thought little of the matter - bush fires are not uncommon in this part of the world. But a second look a few moments later propelled him to his feet when he realised to his horror that the smoke, now thick and black, was coming from his own nearby yard.

He hurried from the kgotla and was shocked to find an excited crowd of onlookers outside his house, watching it burn.

To add to his distress, he was told that his girlfriend of nine months, 25-year-old Refilwe Masokola, had deliberate­ly started the fire. She had apparently drenched a bedroom in the ‘two-and-a-half’ house with petrol. It was even said that the young lady, after setting the liquid alight, had grabbed a chair and sat down in the yard to casually admire her fiery handiwork.

As the flames took hold, Masokola is reported to have loaded her belongings into a wheelbarro­w and was just about to leave when Masisi and an army of curious bystanders turned up.

Police Officers who had made the short journey from the kgotla helped contain the blaze and then took the unhappy couple away for questionin­g.

Masokola has since been charged with arson and appeared before Francistow­n Magistrate­s’ Court on Tuesday, where her bail was set at P1,000.

The blaze is estimated to have caused P65,517 worth of damage, with nothing retrievabl­e from the room in which the fire started.

Items said to have perished in the flames include: a bed, chest of drawers, stretcher, white ZCC shoes, suits and other clothes.

In a brief interview with The

Voice, Tonota Station Commander, Oteng Ngada, said it appeared the couple’s short relationsh­ip was plagued with problems.

“After arresting the suspect and asking her why she had burnt the house, she said she was trying to address their difference­s. The two were staying together and it seemed they often had difference­s. I’m just not sure this was the best way to address them though,” he said.

Lamenting the loss of his property, if not his girlfriend, a dejected Masisi commented, “I am left with only the trousers, shirt, tie and shoes I was wearing that day.

“Our relationsh­ip has been up and down since we met last October. We were always arguing and things turned sour.”

Masisi even suspected that his young lover was using his bankcard without his permission.

“I wanted her to move back to her parents’ home but she refused. Even when her family advised her to return, she still declined.”

He revealed that on the day of the fire, he had planned to meet Masokola’s parents after work to inform them of their difference­s.

“I don’t think I will get back with Refilwe now. Our relationsh­ip has gone up in smoke,” the Chief added, without even the hint of a smile.

Meanwhile, Masokola is due back in court on 27th July.

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