The Voice (Botswana)



A MALAKA Primary School Head has been accused by some of her teaching staff of using underhand tactics to position her school as one of the best performing in the region.

In a complaint letter sent to The Voice, the school head, Ipelegeng Palesa, is being accused of doctoring students’ results with the help of his few trusted teachers.

“Invigilati­on of Primary School Leaving Examinatio­ns has been reserved for these few teachers to help achieve the maladminis­tration,” The Voice learnt.

According to the concerned teaching staff members, those who refuse to be part of the scam are being victimised by the school head, and are being overlooked for acting positions.

“Willing participan­ts are rewarded with acting positions for Maths and Science and receive favourable appraisal scores,” they said.

“It is bad for the school, because marks for teachers who are party to her scheme are usually amended and improved,” claims the aggrieved teachers.

According to the complainan­ts, the sub regional office was long made aware of the toxic relations between the school head and her teaching staff, but no action has been taken.

“She made it clear to us that she’s related to the Central Region Director, Sonny Mooketsi, and no action will be taken against her.

When The Voice reached out to the school head, she refused to comment and referred all questions to the Director. “I’m just a servant here, speak to the Director” was all she was prepared to say.

Responding to a questionna­ire sent to him, Regional Director, Mooketsi, said he was not related to the school head in anyway.

“Her husband schooled with my brother hence her husband is a friend to my younger brother,” he said.

Mooketsi also said the complaints raised by teachers in the letter were never reported to him.

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Malaka Primary School Head, Palesa
UNDER FIRE: Malaka Primary School Head, Palesa

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