The Voice (Botswana)


Leadership accused of ripping off union


THERE is disunion at the Botswana Teachers Union (BTU), with disgruntle­d members accusing their superiors of unlawfully using the union’s credit card for personal use.

A 2019 trip to China, undertaken by BTU’S leadership to buy union merchandis­e, reportedly included a number of transactio­ns for personal goods all charged to the union’s credit card.

Upon return to the country, the credit card was again used for personal use at a Game Store in Gaborone.

According to a source from within the union, millions have ‘vanished’ from the BTU coffers, with no one held accountabl­e for the missing money.

“This matter has caused so much confusion and division among the union leadership. We demand answers!” said the source, who claimed excessive expenditur­e and maladminis­tration has occurred ‘regularly and unchalleng­ed’ in the past year.

“Last year, as the country went into lockdown, the leadership gave P20,000 each to 13 executive members as Covid-19 relief. This happened even though their salaries were never affected. They were on full pay and getting all the benefits but decided to take more from the union coffers, they are hell bent on enriching themselves!” cried the insider, warning of mass looting as the union builds towards its elective congress in July 2022.

“Thousands will be taken to buy votes and sponsor girlfriend­s while teachers suffer. It is time we teachers stand up and fight for our rights or else all will be lost to greedy people.”

The source added that some executive members get car allowance despite using company cars.

“How do you use a company vehicle while getting car allowance, it is corrupt!”

In response, BTU President, Gotlamang Oitsile, confirmed there were some instances where those receiving car allowance used company cars.

“This happens normally when they travel for long distances,” explained Oitsile, who dismissed other allegation­s levelled against his office.

The BTU President requested time to look into the issue but, a week later, had failed to respond by the time of going to press.

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