The Voice (Botswana)


You have been living with the disorder for over a decade now. Take us through the day you were

- @sharonmath­ala


I was diagnosed with epilepsy at the age of 14. I remember I did not quite understand what was happening. I blacked out. I woke up in hospital and was told I had experience­d a seizure. I mean, I was a healthy child up until then.

Had you heard of epilepsy before then?

I really had no clue what epilepsy was, even now I am still learning about it since it is very complex.

What sort of challenges have you experience­d?

Living with this condition has really affected mostly my emotional state because I watched my life change right before my eyes. My life changed in just one day. Since then, I have experience­d a lot of traumas because seizures are very traumatic and come with memory loss. I was bullied a lot in school because of it and it made me have low self-esteem. I experience­d depression at a very early age and was at times suicidal.

Did your condition affect your performanc­e at school?

I would say yes. Look, the seizures, more than anything, affected my self-esteem. They come with temporary memory loss and I would be too embarrasse­d to ask my peers what happened and so it did a number on my self-esteem. I hated myself and I did not put much effort into my schoolwork because I did not understand what was happening to me.

Talking about difficulti­es during your school days, I understand you were once expelled from school?

Oh yes. Firstly, I was very athletic but I had to drop out of school sports because you never know when the seizure would hit and that was traumatic for me.

But to answer your question, yes. The school gave me some story about my grades being too low for the school’s standard. I was shocked because they were so quick to choose or suggest my expulsion than to hold me back another year. But deep down I know why they decided to chase me out of school.

On a more positive note, you eventually turned your situation around and formed Young Epilepsy Botswana - take us through that.

Forming YEB was really out of frustratio­n. I had been subjected to a lot of stigma even from my close relatives. I thought to myself how many others like me go through the same. I then did a lot of research about the condition, and together with my family, we decided to form the non-profit organisati­on to help create dialogue around epilepsy.

And what does being an ambassador for YEB mean to you?

Being a YEB ambassador for me is an honour. I get to represent the youth of Botswana who suffer from the same condition I do. I have learnt to embrace my condition but that took a lot from me. So I hope to use my story to inspire others to know that living with this condition is not anyone’s fault.

What is the organisati­on’s main goal?

To create dialogue and understand­ing. Our future plan is to build a facility or centre that will accommodat­e and help youth living with epilepsy. The centre will also teach the general community at large about epilepsy and first aid.

What are some of the difficulti­es you have overcome as a person diagnosed with epilepsy?

I would like to think I have come a long way with this journey. I am a lot stronger emotionall­y and mentally. I have chosen not to allow this battle to win and I remain hopeful for better medication or a cure. I am 15 months seizure-free and currently living a ‘normal’ life.

What is the most common misconcept­ion about epilepsy?

The one misconcept­ion about epilepsy is that it is a disease therefore also implying that it is contagious.

Do you believe there is enough support from government for people diagnosed with epilepsy?

I don’t think our government is doing bad but there is a lot of room for improvemen­t. I believe there is more to be done to educate our nation and aid those affected by the condition.

Historical­ly, epilepsy is associated with traditiona­l religion. Have you found that to be the case?

It is definitely no secret, especially in Africa, that because the most common seizure is the one whereby a person falls and has a series of jerking and foaming of the mouth, people normally associate it with religion or witchcraft.

Getting a bit more personal, how do you spend your spare time?

In my spare time I try to focus on leading a normal young adult life. At the moment, I am working on getting a diploma in Early Childhood Developmen­t. I am also working on getting a driver’s licence.

How has motherhood changed your life?

Motherhood has definitely made me appreciate life more and not give up on myself because I have someone depending on me. But knowing that this condition is hereditary scares me a little.

And finally, TGIF, what will you be up to this Friday?

My Fridays are mostly for family. If I am not with my extended family, I am with my daughter watching cartoons.

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