The Voice (Botswana)

A love for the ages


In the early 70’s, a young Dorcas Onneile Molefhi arrived in the capital city to pursue her O’levels at Gaborone Senior Secondary School.

Located some 140km from her home village of Mookane, in reality it was a world away from the rural life she was used to.

In the same class, a shy Serowe boy, Kgosidialw­a Mompati, was equally focused on acclimatis­ing to the bright city lights and paid little attention to his tiny classmate.

Never in their wildest dreams could the two teenagers have imagined how their future would be intertwine­d.

“We were just classmates, not even friends,” admits Dr Mompati, stealing a quizzical look at his wife and business partner, Dr Dorcas Mompati, five decades later.

The story of the owners of Riverside Private Hospital in Francistow­n is one of perseveran­ce, guts and, perhaps above all, a love that has transcende­d countless boundaries.

Although hesitant to delve into detail about their relationsh­ip, the courtship began at the University of Botswana and later blossomed further afield when the two went to study medicine in East Africa.

“I went to study in Uganda and she went to Kenya. We got married in our fourth year of study in 1978,” recalls Dr Mompati, again glancing at his wife as if to make sure he has the dates correct. The slightest of nods confirms he has.

In the following years, the couple’s studies would take them to South Africa and eventually the United Kingdom on government sponsorshi­p.

Mompati studied in Edinburgh and completed the Membership of the Royal College of Physicians.

It was upon their return to Botswana

in 1988 that fate would shape their profession­al futures.

Typical of that time and the bias faced by women in comparison to their male counterpar­ts, a fully qualified female doctor’s attempts to gain government employment hit a brick wall. For her husband, though, it was smooth sailing. He was snapped up as a Consultant Physician immediatel­y.

“When I returned from the UK, I couldn’t get any employment for six

months. I was told the public service had reached a ceiling,” recalls Dr D. Mompati, the 33-year-old memory still prompting the slightest of scowls.

Disappoint­ed but not deterred, ‘MmaMompati’ as she was commonly known, decided if she could not get a job she would create her own.

Thus, she took the unpreceden­ted step of starting her own private practice, planting roots in White City with Tati Town Clinic. The clinic would later relo

cate to Extension and finally town centre, where it still stands proudly today.

“It was not easy. There were very few private doctors in Francistow­n at the time, and none of them was a woman. I remember there was Dr Seakgosing (former Minister of Health) and Dr Pridgeon. Before setting up my own clinic, I had applied for a job at Dr Seakgosing’s practice but was turned down as there were no vacancies.”

The venture endured a slow start, with

children the people of Ghetto reluctant to put their health in the hands of a woman.

“Many did not believe I was a qualified doctor!” she adds with a grin.

In contrast to his wife’s struggles, Dr Mompati’s rise up the career ladder was relentless, climaxing in his appointmen­t as President Ketumile Masire’s Personal Physician.

Determined to make her mark, Dorcas refused to give up.

“It was tough, but eventually my reputation grew. One of the earliest challenges

was that I had absolutely no idea in pricing drugs because most of the private doctors at the time gave a global pricing,” she remembers.

To help with this, she engaged a renowned local Economist, Charles van Dyke.

“Soon, I charged people P2 for consultati­on. If someone paid me P10, I used to think it was a lot of money! I had one employee, Grace Makwinja, who’s still with us today,” she reveals with a giggle.

The clinic’s status grew. By 1991, de

spite his success in the government, Dr Mompati resigned from the civil service to join his wife and incorporat­ed the company to be called Tati River Clinic - him as a Physician and her as a General Practition­er.

In 2005, they were approached by Tati Mine to manage their workforce, an agreement that ended with the mine helping the clinic set up an admission unit.

“We then started developing a small hospital and in 2007 the then Minister of Health, Sheila Tlou, officially opened Riverside Hospital,” recall the couple.

The hospital would take a leading role in the fight against AIDS, with Dr Mompati defying all odds to introduce antiretrov­iral treatment.

Indeed, Riverside introduced many specialise­d services.

“We were moved by the fact that at the time 255 patients died of kidney disease in Francistow­n, and I started to build the dialysis unit in 2008, which was ready by 2009,” recalls Mompati, ruefully adding the unit remained inactive for a further two years.

“Due to bureaucrac­y, it didn’t open until 2011 following the interventi­on of the Vice President, Mompati Merafhe. Today we’re dialysing 230 patients,” he reveals proudly.

Today, the proud parents-of-four run a fully fledged private hospital with a staff complement of 150, including 15 Specialist­s and 10 General Practition­ers.

“I think for us the biggest blessing was that from the moment we got married, we never wanted to be away from each other. We became business partners and pushed each other,” conclude the good doctors, gazing at each other with the same fierce fondness sparked in a classroom all those years ago.

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? COLLEGE COUPLE: Kgosi and Dorcas pictured in 1977
COLLEGE COUPLE: Kgosi and Dorcas pictured in 1977
 ??  ?? ON HOLIDAY: The couple in Wales
ON HOLIDAY: The couple in Wales
 ??  ?? .ALL SMILES: Dr Mompati’s graduation night in Edinburgh, Scotland
.ALL SMILES: Dr Mompati’s graduation night in Edinburgh, Scotland
 ??  ?? VIPS: Pictured with Mogae at daughter’s wedding
VIPS: Pictured with Mogae at daughter’s wedding
 ??  ?? SCOTLAND FUN: Family pictured in Edinburgh streets
SCOTLAND FUN: Family pictured in Edinburgh streets
 ??  ?? WEDDING DAY: The couple got married in
WEDDING DAY: The couple got married in
 ??  ?? FAMILY TIME: The Mompatis and their
FAMILY TIME: The Mompatis and their

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