The Voice (Botswana)

Treatment plan


Leungo explains that doctors recommend that in cases like theirs, they may consider two types of treatments. “The first option would be to create a rigid 3D brace specific to her curve and other bones measuremen­ts. This brace is to be worn for 23hrs everyday and can only be taken out when she is doing some physical activities.

The brace treatments recommende­d for 24-36 months. The second option is a surgery in which metal plates are inserted in and around her vertebraes. After measuring the Risser Index (skeletal maturity and growth) on her pelvic bones, it showed that she has not stopped growing. Which then informed the decision to rule out surgery as her growth level still allowed for bracing. The brace takes six weeks to make from the time of placing the order.”

Leungo advises parents who may be faced with similar adversity to pay close attention to the developmen­t of their children during the adolescent stage. “Any minor changes in body shape are a cause for concern. I could tell there was something off when I saw one shoulder rising higher than the other but was also a bit confused until she started complainin­g about waist and back aches,” she says.

The doting mother also shares that beyond the charity, she is grateful to God as this campaign has raised awareness of Scoliosis, with many parents sharing their experience­s.

“There’s a lady who called me this morning who was so eager to know more about scoliosis as she would like to start looking out for signs in her own daughters. Some sent me their own stories of their struggle with the condition,” she says.

Leungo has hopes that the treatment chosen, which is a non-invasive option, will ensure her daughter returns to the ‘normal’ life a teen should enjoy.

“With the brace and weekly physiother­apy treatments, I am confident that Priscilla’s condition will reverse and she will have a normal life as a young woman,” she concludes happily.

You can support Priscilla by contributi­ng to the cause -

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