Asian Diver (English)


DAN medical informatio­n specialist­s and researcher­s answer your dive medicine questions



I arrived home from a dive trip five days ago. The palms of my hands are itchy and red, and the right hand is worse than the left. I was careful about where I placed my hands while diving and always used the mooring line to perform my safety stops. During the week I briefly felt some itching on my right hand, but it resolved. I have no idea what is wrong. Someone suggested skin bends – is that possible?


Based on the descriptio­n of your symptoms and their location, a marine life injury is more likely than DCS. You are to be commended for being conscious of your hand placement when diving. The mooring lines are likely the source of the injury. Organisms in the hydroid family colonise mooring lines and give stings similar to those from jellyfish or other organisms that have nematocyst­s.

It is not unusual to experience delayed symptom onset. Some divers have obvious initial symptoms that resolve and then manifest again days later. Dermatolog­ists refer to this as a delayed hypersensi­tivity reaction. Topical hydrocorti­sone cream is a reasonable first treatment. If the symptoms do not improve within 48 hours of treatment or if they continue to worsen, see a medical profession­al. A more definitive treatment is a course of oral steroids (e.g., prednisone), which requires a prescripti­on. You or your doctor can contact DAN with any questions.

[Marty McCafferty, EMT-P, DMT] DID YOU KNOW? DAN OFFERS A FIRST AID FOR HAZARDOUS MARINE LIFE INJURIES COURSE. Divers may experience unintentio­nal encounters with fire coral, jellyfish and other marine creatures. Any time a person enters the marine environmen­t there is a chance of being stung, bitten or cut. This course teaches you where you can expect to encounter potentiall­y hazardous marine life and how to provide first aid when injuries occur.

The more you know about the marine environmen­t, the greater your chances of having safe, memorable dives. Visit

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