The Phnom Penh Post

French to help with Vietnam map: PM


to ask for experts in making a map t o cha nge i t f r om 1/100,000 to 1/50,000,” Kao Kim Houn, a minister attached to t he prime minister, told reporters a f ter t he meeting between the premiers.

Kim Houn said Foreign Affairs Ministry Secretary of State Long Visalo, who has long worked on demarcatio­n issues, would be placed in charge of developing the maps, which would be used only for the small parts of the border that still remain unmarked.

“He was assigned to work together with a Vietnamese counterpar­t,” Kim Houn said of Visalo. “For the unclear points, we will ask France for help.”

Kim Houn said the premier had also reiterated Cambodia’s demands for Vietnam to stop constructi­ng buildings in undemarcat­ed “white zones” of the border, but did not say what the Vietnamese premier said in reply.

The border issue is one of the most politicall­y sensitive in Cambodia, with an opposition lawmaker and senator presently in prison for comments made during a 2015 CNRP campaign against Vietnamese border violations.

Hun Sen has pledged to arrest anyone who continues to say the government is using the wrong maps.

CNRP lawmaker Um Sam An was arrested in April for claiming on his Facebook page that the government was using the wrong maps for demarcatio­n, and opposition Senator Hong Sok Hour was arrested in August last year for a lecture in which he presented as real a fake border treaty dissolving the Cambodia-Vietnam border.

However, citing such arrests, the opposition party has since late last year not pushed the issue further, saying they do not want to anger the government.

CNRP spokesman Yim Sovann said yesterday that the opposition welcomed Hun Sen’s proposal to invite French experts to help, and said that it could help to build trust in the new 1/50,000 maps that are produced for use in demarcatio­n of the border.

“If there is a referee in attendance in making the maps, which is something unclear and easy to make errors in, I welcome that, and I hope that France can help, because it would be positive for both countries to end the political border issue,” Sovann said.

A Foreign Ministry press release also said that Foreign Minister Prak Sokhonn would next week visit Paris to meet with his French counterpar­t, Jean-Marc Ayrault, to discuss “cooperatio­n between the two countries, particualr­ly in the fields of politics, economics and culture”.

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