The Phnom Penh Post

Mideast peace summit begins

- Cécile Feuillatre and Clare Byrne

DIPLOMATS from 70 countries gathered in Paris yesterday to try to revive Israeli-Palestinia­n peace efforts amid fears of a new escalation if Donald Trump implements a pledge to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

Neither Israel nor the Palestinia­ns are represente­d at the conference, which Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has dismissed as “rigged” against the Jewish state.

Opening the meeting, French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said the internatio­nal community wanted to “forcefully reiterate that the two-state solution is the only solution possible” to the seven-decade-old conflict.

In a TV interview later, Ayrault warned that moving the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem would have “extremely serious consequenc­es” and predicted Trump would find it impossible to do so.

“When you are president of the United States, you cannot take such a stubborn and such a unilateral view on this issue. You have to try to create the conditions for peace,” he told France 3 TV.

Both Netanyahu and Palestinia­n President Mahmud Abbas have been invited to meet with President Francois Hollande to discuss the conclusion­s of the Paris talks.

Abbas, who has backed the meeting, is expected to travel to Paris in the coming weeks but Netanyahu rejected the offer, French diplomats said.

French Jewish groups called for a protest yesterday outside the Israeli Embassy in Paris to denounce the conference.

The meeting is mainly symbolic, but comes at a crucial juncture for the Mid- dle East, five days before Trump, who has vowed unstinting support for Israel, is sworn in as US president.

Israel fears the conference could produce measures that could be put to the Security Council before Trump takes over. Peace efforts have been at a standstill since a US-led initiative collapsed in April 2014.

Tensions are again running high after a wave of Palestinia­n attacks and Israel’s ongoing expansion of settlement­s on land the Palestinia­ns want for their state.

‘Could destroy peace hopes’

On Saturday, Abbas warned that peace could be dealt a mortal blow if Trump moves the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, recognisin­g the contested city as Israel’s capital as he indicated during campaignin­g.

Such a move would mark a radical departure from US policy and the UN’s position that the status of Jerusalem can only be decided in negotiatio­ns.

“Any attempts at legitimisi­ng the illegal Israeli annexation of the city will destroy the prospects of any political process, bury the hopes for a two-state solution, and fuel extremism in our region, as well as worldwide,” Abbas warned during a visit to the Vatican.

US Secretary of State John Kerry, who rebuked Israel recently over its settler activity on Palestinia­n territory, will join the talks on his farewell tour, along with delegates from the UN, EU and Arab League.

A draft conference communique called on Israel and the Palestinia­ns to restate their support for two states and to refrain from “unilateral steps that prejudge the outcome of final status ne- gotiations.” Netanyahu has lashed out at the Paris meeting, saying only direct talks between Israel and the Palestinia­ns can bring peace.

‘One-state reality’

Israel fears being further isolated by the conference, which comes hot on the heels of a landmark December UN resolution criticisin­g the expansion of Israeli settlement­s in the West Bank.

The vote passed after the Obama administra­tion in a parting shot at Netanyahu after years of frustrated mediation efforts took the rare step of abstaining rather than using its veto to protect Israel.

Explaining the US abstention, Kerry warned last month that settlement expansion, terrorism and violence were “increasing­ly cementing an irreversib­le one-state reality” that would never yield real peace.

Trump, who had urged the US to veto the text, has said “there’s nobody more pro-Israeli than I am”.

His choice for ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, is a hardliner who says he looks forward to working from “Israel’s eternal capital, Jerusalem”.

The city’s status is one of the thorniest issues.

The Palestinia­ns regard Israeli-annexed east Jerusalem as the capital of their future state, while Israel proclaims the entire city as its capital.

Nathan Thrall, senior Middle East analyst at the Internatio­nal Crisis Group, dismissed the conference as “inconseque­ntial”.

“If there are no consequenc­es, if nobody is listening, if they are repeating the same thing they said over and over again, it amounts to a charade,” he said.

 ?? PIERRE CONSTANT/AFP ?? A woman holds a sign reading ‘The illusion of peace by the sacrifice of Israel’ during a protest in Paris yesterday against the Paris Middle East peace conference.
PIERRE CONSTANT/AFP A woman holds a sign reading ‘The illusion of peace by the sacrifice of Israel’ during a protest in Paris yesterday against the Paris Middle East peace conference.

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