The Phnom Penh Post

Prosecutor­s to decide on Samsung heir’s arrest


SOUTH Korean prosecutor­s investigat­ing a major influencep­eddling scandal involving impeached President Park Geunhye said they would decide today whether to arrest the heir to the giant Samsung group over alleged bribery.

Lee Jae-yong, Samsung Electronic­s vice chairman and the son of the group’s current chairman Lee Kun-hee, is accused of approving a decision to pay Park’s secret confidante Choi Soon-sil large sums of money to secure favourable decisions.

The junior Lee was quizzed through Thursday and Friday as a criminal suspect, and three other senior Samsung executives were also questioned.

“We will reach a decision on Monday . . . on whether or not to arrest Lee by taking into account the complexity and the significan­ce of the issue,” Lee Kyu-chul, spokesman for a special team of prosecutor­s probing the scandal, said yesterday.

The prosecutor­s had planned to make the decision yesterday but legal deliberati­ons took longer than expected “due to the significan­ce of the move”, Lee told a televised briefing.

The scandal centres on Choi, who is accused of using her close friendship to the president to coerce top Seoul firms into “donating” nearly $70 million dollars to two nonprofit foundation­s which Choi then allegedly used for personal gain.

Samsung – the biggest contributo­r to the foundation­s – is a lso accused of separately providing millions of euros to Choi to bankroll her daughter’s equestrian tra ining in Germany.

 ?? JOON/AFP AHN YOUNG- ?? Lee Jae-yong (centre).
JOON/AFP AHN YOUNG- Lee Jae-yong (centre).

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