The Phnom Penh Post

Angry Gazans challenge Hamas

- Sakher Abou El Oun

CRIPPLING shortages of electricit­y in Gaza and reports of children dying of cold have stoked anger in the Palestinia­n enclave where there are daily protests against its Hamas leaders.

The main Palestinia­n factions are blaming each another and Israel for the crisis, which has left the territory with just four hours a day of power at best.

In one of the largest demonstrat­ions yet, thousands of protesters in northern Gaza on Thursday walked to the local headquarte­rs of the electricit­y company run by Hamas, the Islamist movement that has ruled the Strip since 2007.

Security forces dispersed the protesters violently, with shots fired in the air and a number of journalist­s beaten up.

A prominent comedian was also detained on Wednesday after he posted on social media a call for Hamas to give up power.

UN envoy for the Middle East peace process Nickola Adenoviral has expressed concern about the “tense situation” in the Gaza Strip and urged calm.

“We are witnessing a lot of anger and resentment at the power outages on the Gazan streets,” said Amjad alShawwa, the director of Palestinia­n civil organisati­ons.

Gazans normally receive power in alternatin­g eight-hour cycles, with those able to afford it using private fuel generators for the down times.

But for the past two weeks, they have received a maximum of four hours a day from the state energy supply.

Ahmad al-Soarka believes the shortage caused the death of his 12-day-old son.

“My son died from frost and the ex- treme cold, according to what they told us in the hospital,” Soarka said.

The family’s home was destroyed in the 2014 war between Israel and Hamas and so they have lived in a caravan for the past two years.

“Right now it is like a freezer,” the young father said.

The Health Ministry has not confirmed the cause of death as yet, but the baby’s grandfathe­r Salama, 49, said he had no doubt.

“If we had electricit­y, we could protect ourselves and the children from the cold,” he said. “The young can’t tolerate it.”

More than two-thirds of Gazans depend on aid, according to the United Nations, which has also estimated the enclave could become unliveable by 2020 if current trends continue.

No solution in sight

The 2 million residents of Gaza require around 450-500 megawatts of power per day but are receiving less than half of that. With cold winters, demand has spiked – leading to the shortages.

Maher al-Tabaa, an economic expert, said the crippling electricit­y shortages “affect all economic activities and have led to the suspension of a number of factories and economic constructi­on”.

“The economy cannot manage only on electricit­y generators,” said Tabaa.

For Gazans, there is no immediate solution to the crisis. Israel has maintained a blockade of the enclave for the past 10 years, limiting the entry of goods and crippling the economy.

Israel argues such restrictio­ns are necessary to contain Hamas, with which it has fought three wars since 2008.

But the more immediate cause of the crisis seems to be the split between Hamas and the Palestinia­n Authority (PA), the internatio­nally recognised Palestinia­n leadership that runs the West Bank. Hamas seized control of Gaza from Fatah, which dominates the PA, in a near civil war in 2007.

The two factions have been unable to form a unity government and have been in dispute over tax bills on fuel imports.

In 2015, Gaza’s sole power plant, which was badly damaged in a 2006 Israeli attack, was shut down for several weeks over unpaid taxes.

Part of the reason energy authoritie­s have so little funding is unpaid bills.

Nearly 70 percent of households do not pay their electricit­y bills, either because of poverty or due to lack of collection, the UN estimates.

Fathi Sheikh Khalil, from Gaza’s electricit­y company, said “what is available is distribute­d”, pointing to a shortage of funds.

Khalil al-Hayya, a member of Hamas’s political bureau, said the party was willing to “hand over the electricit­y file” if a solution could be found, while the PA government in the West Bank city of Ramallah says it pays millions of dollars annually for Gazan electricit­y.

On Friday, Fatah media accused Hamas of carrying out dozens of arrests overnight, and Hamas supporters held a counter rally blaming PA president Mahmud Abbas for the power crisis.

Hamas official Mushir al-Masri told the rally that the PA bore “full and direct responsibi­lity” for the emergency.

 ?? MOHAMMED ABED/AFP ?? Palestinia­ns chant slogans during a protest against the ongoing electricit­y crisis in Jabalia refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip last week.
MOHAMMED ABED/AFP Palestinia­ns chant slogans during a protest against the ongoing electricit­y crisis in Jabalia refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip last week.

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