The Phnom Penh Post

South Korea’s Park facing arrest over graft

- Hwang Sunghee

SOUTH Korea’s ousted president Park Geun-hye was grilled for nearly nine hours in court yesterday as a judge deliberate­d whether she should be arrested over the corruption and abuse of power scandal that brought her down.

Looking grim-faced and pale, Park ignored a barrage of press flashbulbs and did not speak when she arrived at the Seoul Central District Court, nor when she left.

She was taken to a prosecutor’s office to await the judge’s decision, which was not expected until late into the night.

Being taken into custody would be a dramatic step in the disgrace of South Korea’s first woman president, and is a key demand of the millions of people who took to the streets to protest against her as the scandal engulfed her leadership last year.

The former president, who was stripped of her immunity when she was dismissed from office by the country’s top court earlier this month, is accused of multiple offences including bribery, leaking gov- ernment informatio­n, and abuse of power. Park has denied the accusation­s.

Choi Soon-sil, Park’s secret confidante at the heart of the scandal, is already on trial for forcing top local firms including tech giant Samsung to “donate” nearly $70 million to non-profit foundation­s which she allegedly used for personal gain.

Park, 65, was driven to the courthouse from her home in southern Seoul past hundreds of flag-waving, screaming supporters lining the narrow street.

Some tried to break through police barricades in an effort to stop the passage of her four-car convoy, which was broadcast live on television.

Ahead of the hearing, prosecutor­s submitted around 120,000 pages of documents to the Seoul Central District Court in relation to the charges against Park, and said it would be “counter to the principle of fairness” if she was not arrested.

“The accused is denying most of the charges, and there is a risk of destroying evidence in the future,” they said.

If the warrant is granted Park will be formally detained and taken to a detention centre south of the capital, becoming the third former leader to be arrested over corruption in Asia’s fourth-largest economy, where politics and big business have long been closely tied.

Samsung Electronic­s vice chairman Lee Jae-yong, who was arrested last month in connection to the scandal, was in court for over seven hours for his hearing, and his detention was approved early the following day.

Park was impeached by parliament in December, as the scandal combined with mounting economic and social frustratio­ns to trigger huge candlelit demonstrat­ions. The Constituti­onal Court later upheld the decision.

Last week she underwent a 21-hour interrogat­ion session at the prosecutor­s’ office, having refused repeated requests to be interviewe­d while in power.

 ?? YONHAP/AFP ?? Supporters of South Korea’s ousted president Park Geun-hye clash with police outside her home as she leaves for the hearing yesterday.
YONHAP/AFP Supporters of South Korea’s ousted president Park Geun-hye clash with police outside her home as she leaves for the hearing yesterday.

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