The Phnom Penh Post

History’s first zombie madness

- Robbie Gramer

IT TURNS out peasants were just as worried about zombies as we are, and they never even saw season 7 of The Walking Dead.

A newly published study reveals that villagers in medieval Yorkshire, England, burnt and chopped up the skeletons of their dearly departed. The archaeolog­ists who penned the study say all evidence points towards a fear of the living dead.

Where else to learn about medieval zombies than in the Journal of Archaeolog­ical Science: Reports’ latest study, (and everyone’s favourite new beach read), A multidisci­pli- nary study of a burnt and mutilated assemblage of human remains from a deserted Mediaeval village in England. What a title.

If the click-baity title wasn’t evidence enough, it’s a pretty macabre read, leavened with just the right touch of osteology, radiometri­c dating and strontium isotope analyses. But the upshot is that some villagers in the 11th to 13th centuries who lived near modern-day Wharram Percy in northern Yorkshire were apparently scared of zombies. So they made sure the dead would stay dead with by deliberate­ly mutilating the bodies after death.

“The patterning in knifemarks appears more consistent with decapitati­on and dis- memberment, as documented as means of dealing with cases of reanimated corpses,” concluded the study, conducted by Historic England and the University of Southampto­n. The authors analysed 137 bone fragments from excavation sites in England dating back over 700 years to draw their conclusion­s.

There’s another equally macabre theory as to why the bones have strange cuts and mark-ups: Cannibalis­m. Some bones from the early British colony in Jamestown, Virginia, show signs of just such a practice. But the authors of the study say it’s unlikely. The already-upbeat study then dives into a brief but grim history of cannibalis­m throughout history and how archaeolog­ists identify cases of cannibalis­m. We’ll spare you the grisly details, but essentiall­y the evidence “may count against a cannibalis­m scenario” because of the difference between how the villagers at the site treated animal bones, presumably meant for cooking and consuming, versus the human bones in question. (No worries in Wharram Percy about zombie livestock, apparently.)

“The idea that the Wharram Percy bones are the remains of corpses burnt and dismembere­d to stop them walking from their graves seems to fit the evidence best,” said Simon Mays, a skeletal biologist at Historic England, the British government’s historical body.

“If we are right, then this is the first good archaeolog­ical evidence we have for this practice,” he added.

 ?? GREG WOOD/AFP ?? The biggest fear in 11th-century Yorkshire.
GREG WOOD/AFP The biggest fear in 11th-century Yorkshire.

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