The Phnom Penh Post

Chinese billions – at a price

Experience shows China aid harms communitie­s and the environmen­t

- Andrew Nachemson Analysis

ARRIVING in Phnom Penh in the midst of a political crackdown on dissent, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang showed no qualms about signing 19 major developmen­t deals yes- terday with Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, making it clear that Chinese aid to the Kingdom remains unaffected by human rights concerns.

Indeed, as Cambodia’s relations with Western democracie­s deteriorat­ed over the last year thanks to the Kingdom’s abrupt democratic backslide, Hun Sen has gloated that China would fill any funding void left behind – and so far it has, beefing up support for the upcoming national elections and for the Cambodian Mine Action Center after the US and others withdrew support.

But while that aid – and the deals signed on the sidelines of the China-backed MekongLanc­ang Cooperatio­n (MLC) summit yesterday – may not come with any human rights strings attached, analysts and past experience alike suggest that the Chinese infusion of aid and investment does have a cost, one paid by marginalis­ed communitie­s and the environ- ment even as government officials and Chinese businessme­n line their pockets.

“I’ve never seen a nation have such an overwhelmi­ng impact on the earth as China does now,” wrote Dr Bill Laurance, an ecologist and Australian

Laureate at James Cook University, in his article The Dark Legacy of China’s Drive for Global Resources, published by the Yale School of Forestry and Environmen­tal studies in March 2017.

His research team is active in 20 nations in Asia, Latin America and Africa, where he said Chinese business and investors are causing devastatin­g damage to the environmen­t.

“What I have witnessed frightens me very much,” he told The Post via email this week.

Laurance acknowledg­es that developing countries need infrastruc­ture improvemen­ts and that Chinese investment­s do offer some benefits, but he has found that Chinese investment rarely furthers equitable developmen­t or environmen­tal sustainabi­lity. He told The Post that far from bringing opportunit­ies and wealth to locals, Chinese developmen­t projects tend to maintain wealth within the Chinese community.

“Chinese businessme­n tend to be very cliquish, living and working together and strongly preferring to hire their own countrymen . . . before they will hire locals,” he said.

“In my experience many Chinese businessme­n are extremely aggressive in bribing public officials . . . so that they acquire broad access to land, minerals, timber, oil and gas, and other resources, often at the expense of local residents and nationals.”

Laurance acknowledg­es that China is not unique in its environmen­tal exploitati­on, but says it has gone far beyond that of other nations.

“No nation has ever changed the planet so rapidly, on such a large scale, and with such single-minded determinat­ion,” he wrote in the article.

Regional leaders convened in Phnom Penh this week to endorse a five-year plan to guide developmen­t along the Mekong through China’s MLC mechanism, however details of the plan were not disclosed. A brief “Phnom Penh Declaratio­n” issued by delegates pledged stability, developmen­t and, notably, noninterfe­rence, but the idea of China as a steward of the Mekong was at odds with its reputation as a developer whose projects threaten its very ecosystem and the millions of livelihood­s that depend on it.

Observers fear the relatively new MLC will give China unfettered access to dam developmen­t along the river, something that the far more establishe­d intergover­nmental body the Mekong River Commission has long been wary of.

A significan­t portion of Chinese foreign investment in Cambodia has already gone towards building hydropower dams.

Between 2006 and 2008, the Kamchay Dam in Kampot province was Cambodia’s largest foreign investment project, with half of then-Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao’s pledged $600 million in aid going towards the dam’s developmen­t, according to a report by a group of internatio­nal NGOs. The project is headed by Sinohydro, a state-owned Chinese company.

“Civil society groups have warned that Cambodia’s hydropower developmen­ts could displace thousands of people and seriously damage the environmen­t,” the NGOs’ paper notes.

Those concerns played out with the Lower Sesan II Dam in Stung Treng, which was inaugurate­d by Hun Sen in September. The dam, built by the Chinese state-owned company HydroLanca­ng, displaced thousands of indigenous community members and uprooted a way of life intrinsica­lly linked to their traditiona­l lands. It has also raised major concerns about irrevocabl­e damage to the Tonle Sap fisheries, which feed millions.

Cambodia is hardly alone: China’s years-long exploitati­on of natural resources in Africa has long garnered internatio­nal attention.

David Shinn, a professor at George Washington University’s Elliot School of Internatio­nal Affairs, writes that China took advantage of lax environmen­tal standards across the continent that, like Cambodia’s, “are much lower than accepted internatio­nal norms”.

In his paper The Environmen­tal Impact of China’s Investment in Africa, published in Internatio­nal Policy Digest, Shinn noted that in Sudan and South Sudan, developmen­t from the China National Petroleum Corporatio­n caused widespread devastatio­n.

“Seismic surveying created hundreds of kilometers of bulldozed tracks, destroying farmland and increasing deforestat­ion. Road constructi­on disrupted water flows, which damaged irrigation systems and forced the evacuation of several communitie­s,” Shinn wrote, noting that “Sudanese government officials were more interested in advancing the oil industry than enforcing environmen­tal laws”.

Shinn also noted that China is the largest importer of Mozambique’s hardwood timber, 80 percent of which is illegal.

Alejandro Gonzalez-Davidson, an environmen­tal activist who was deported from Cambodia in 2015 on orders of Hun Sen, accused the Cambodian government of being “openly in bed” with large Chinese companies.

“It makes total sense for it to give priority to this so-called ‘aid’ from China. These are large amounts of money we are talking about here, most of which of course goes towards huge projects such as hydro-electric dams, economic land concession­s, [and] mines,” he said in a message last week.

Gonzalez-Davidson explained that these “non-transparen­t and nonaccount­able” Chinese companies are able to wield the Cambodian judiciary, police and even armed forces to quash protests and legal complicati­ons.

This played out in Koh Kong province at a project by Union Developmen­t Group (UDG) that GonzalezDa­vidson points to as another example of exploitati­ve Chinese developmen­t couched as investment. The Chinese-owned firm was given a 99-year lease on 45,000 hectares of land, an apparent violation of regulation­s limiting economic land concession­s to 10,000 hectares.

UDG laid out grand plans to a build a sprawling seaside resort and accompanyi­ng internatio­nal airport – plunked down within the bounds of the Botum Sakor National Park – spending $3.8 billion, but displacing thousands of people in two districts in the process.

UDG has been accused of illegally logging the area and reneging on promised compensati­on packages to displaced villagers. At one point, the UN Office of the High Commission­er for Human Rights even stepped in to urge the firm to put an immediate end to the practice of using Cambodian military officials to deal with villagers disputing the compensati­on packages offered.

The dispute remains unresolved. But as Gonzalez-Davidson explained, many Cambodian companies that are contracted to assist with Chinese projects are owned or associated with government officials. For example, the Pheapimex group, which is owned by ruling party Senator Lao Meng Khin, has a monopoly on electricit­y distributi­on from hydropower dams.

Brian Eyler, an expert on China’s economic relationsh­ip with Southeast Asia, and the director of the Stimson Institute’s Southeast Asia program, said Chinese aid causes both shortand long-term damage.

“The short term price paid by countries in the Mekong and elsewhere is an under-utilizatio­n of domestic labor and resources,” he explained in an email, noting that China has committed 50,000 of its own labourers to building a high-speed railway in Laos, rather than using domestic workers.

Eyler added that China’s “myopic vision” when it comes to the environmen­t “often comes with a great cost, especially abroad where Chinese stakeholde­rs fail to understand the local culture, social norms, and importantl­y the ecological system”.

Eyler also pointed to the Lower Sesan II dam as an example, explaining that the structure’s so-called fish ladders meant to allow fish to migrate upstream will be ineffectiv­e.

“Even if these fish ladders successful­ly send a portion of fish over the dam’s wall, their eggs laid upstream will not be forced back downstream and into the Tonle Sap for maturation – a process that has played out over many millennia and created the world’s largest inland fishery – because the eggs will fall into the dam’s reservoir and perish,” Eyler said.

“This lack of understand­ing of how the Mekong works will deliver huge environmen­tal and social costs from the reduction in Cambodia’s fish catch,” he added.

Cambodia-based conservati­onist Marcus Hardtke says Chinese developers are interested in “mega projects – the bigger, the better”, because they yield the most profits for developers and Cambodian officials alike.

“Plenty of officials from different ministries are also profiting in the process. The money is in signing these lucrative constructi­on contracts; logic and sustainabi­lity of the proposed project is usually not the priority when these deals are approved,” he said, adding that Chinese and Vietnamese investors are not averse to “corrupt or criminal sectors like land dealings and the timber trade”.

Hardtke points to dam constructi­on in the Cardamom Mountains as an example of unsustaina­ble developmen­t. “Massive environmen­tal impact, large-scale illegal logging, oversized roads mindlessly bulldozed into protected areas, pollution, absence of government oversight. At times it looked like 1,000 bombs exploded in the area,” he said.

Hardtke added that a lack of legal standards or strong state institutio­ns prevents any improvemen­ts or enforcemen­t of regulation­s, and allows China to freely exploit Cambodia’s resources.

Multiple attempts to reach representa­tives of the Chinese Embassy over the course of this week were unsuccessf­ul.

But Sao Sopheap, spokesman for the Ministry of Environmen­t, dismissed the idea that Chinese aid was particular­ly dangerous, and claimed environmen­tal regulation­s in Cambodia are “strong”.

“I don’t discrimina­te against Chinese investment,” Sopheap said yesterday. “All investment and developmen­t must comply with the regulation­s of the country.”

 ?? HONG MENEA ?? A worker stands in front of the Lower Sesan II Dam as it was put online in September. The dam, which displaced thousands and may destroy the fisheries which feed millions, is partly owned by Chinese state firm Hydrolanca­ng.
HONG MENEA A worker stands in front of the Lower Sesan II Dam as it was put online in September. The dam, which displaced thousands and may destroy the fisheries which feed millions, is partly owned by Chinese state firm Hydrolanca­ng.

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