The Phnom Penh Post

Italy draws its battle lines with EU

- Ishaan Tharoor

MORE than two months after voters went to the polls, Italy is finally getting close to having a new government.

On Monday, the two leaders of Italy’s biggest populist parties – the anti-establishm­ent Five Star Movement and the ultranatio­nalist League – were meet Italian President Sergio Mattarella in the hope of formalisin­g their ruling coalition. Huge questions remain about their agenda, and it’s not yet clear who will be tapped as the country’s next prime minister – both Five Star leader Luigi di Maio and the League’s Matteo Salvini have already ruled themselves out.

But no matter the details, the populists’ ascension in Rome crystallis­es a real danger for Europe’s liberal establishm­ent. Their joint platform offers an emphatic riposte to the edicts of Brussels, potentiall­y threatens the integrity of the eurozone, promises a hardline campaign against migrants and extends a hand of friendship to Moscow.

Western Europe’s first fully populist government “would be eccentric, idealistic, tinged with xenophobia, intolerant of corruption and economical­ly illiberal”, declared the Economist. “If the two anti-establishm­ent parties fail to agree, the outlook will be no less uncertain. It will mean either new elections, or a technocrat­ic government lacking the authority to implement necessary reforms.”

It was anger and disaffecti­on with a succession of technocrat­ic government­s that delivered the two populist parties more than 50 percent of the vote on March 4. The Five Star Movement – originally formed on a lark by an irreverent comedian – became the biggest party in the country with 37 percent of the vote, siphoning support from the imploding centre-left. The League, a once-virulently racist regional party that has turned into a serious national player, surpassed expectatio­ns, outperform­ing its centre-right allies led by former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

Now, the populists intend to act boldly. Their proposed reforms include a guaranteed monthly income of close to $1,000 for poor families, tax cuts and a push against EUmandated austerity measures. But it’s not clear where the money for these programs will come from, and European officials fear that tens of billions of euros in additional spending could lead to a catastroph­ic new sovereign debt crisis on the Mediterran­ean.

Commentato­rs warn not only of a dysfunctio­n in Italy but also wider disruption across the eurozone. Financial Times columnist Wolfgang Munchau invoked the dreaded historical analogy of Weimar Germany, arguing that Europe’s elites underestim­ate “the scale of the threat that they face”.

“Italians must understand that the future of Italy is in Europe and nowhere else, but there are rules to respect,” said France’s finance minister, Bruno Le Maire, on Sunday, referring to the prospect of an even larger Italian budget deficit. That drew a sharp rebuke on Twitter from Salvini, who wrote that he didn’t campaign to keep Italy “on a path of poverty, precarious­ness and immigratio­n”.

That last note echoed the other plank of the new populist platform – a plan to carry out mass deportatio­ns of ille- gal migrants and scale back Italy’s efforts to rescue those attempting the perilous sea journey from North Africa. For Salvini and the League, it’s simply part of their ultranatio­nalist, far-right politics. But for the Five Star Movement, as di Maio told Today’s WorldView last year, it serves as a wake-up call to the European Union, which they argue has not done enough to support Italy on migration.

Either way, critics warn of an intensifyi­ng climate of xenophobia. “Many members of the League accept that they are racists,” said Cecile

Kyenge, a Congolese-born Italian politician in the European Parliament who also served as Italy’s first black cabinet minister in 2013, to the Guardian. “It is very difficult for me to see that a party that accepts it is racist is going to manage law, which is supposed to protect all the community.”

Of course, there remains plenty of scepticism about what the populists can actually achieve if they take power. They have a slender majority in parliament, and their more drastic reforms could face constituti­onal checks, including from the influentia­l president himself.

“Even if they do form a government, the League and Five Star will probably repeat the experience of anti-establishm­ent and euroscepti­c forces elsewhere,” wrote Italian columnist Ferdinando Giugliano. “For all the tub-thumping rhetoric, many of their ideas will probably remain on paper.”

If they fail in the near term, however, there’s no guarantee the centrist status quo will return. Italy itself has seen this cycle before: Italy’s traditiona­l parties collapsed in the 1990s, and corruption-weary voters turned to a flamboyant businessma­n in Berlusconi. But neither he nor his centre-left counterpar­ts were able to fix Italy’s woes, and their movements have now similarly floundered in favour of a new era of populism.

“Reeling from the flood of broken promises, electorate­s did not turn back to honest realists who told them hard truths or laid out the hard choices,” wrote Washington Post columnist Anne Applebaum. “On the contrary: In Italy, as in so many Latin American countries in the past, the failure of populism has led to greater dislike of ‘elites’, both real and imaginary; a greater demand for radical and impossible change; and a greater sense of alienation from politics and politician­s than ever before.”

This is hardly a uniquely Italian phenomenon. “Europe’s party systems are more volatile than ever before,” noted political scientist Matthew Goodwin, “with more people switching their votes from one election to the next and no longer displaying the strong partisan allegiance­s that characteri­sed the silent generation and baby boomers.”

But Italy may be at the head of the wider trend in the West. In a piece earlier this year, historian David Broder observed how voters, animated by nationalis­t tribalism and a complete lack of faith in the ability of the state, “see their choice increasing­ly detached from any change of government policy”. In its “chaos”, Broder wrote, Italy “has provided the model for our time”.

“It is just as likely that irresponsi­bility and irrational­ity become something that people vote for, not something that they reject,” Applebaum warned. “Watch what happens in Rome, because it could be America’s future.”

 ?? ALESSIA PIERDOMENI­CO/BLOOMBERG ?? Matteo Salvini, leader of the Italian euroscepti­c party League, speaks during a news conference in Rome on May 14.
ALESSIA PIERDOMENI­CO/BLOOMBERG Matteo Salvini, leader of the Italian euroscepti­c party League, speaks during a news conference in Rome on May 14.

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