The Phnom Penh Post

Kingdom set to send 204 peacekeepe­rs to CAR

- Khouth Sophakchar­ya

C A MBODI A w i l l send 204 members of the engineerin­g force to t he Centra l Af r ica n Republic later this month as part of a one-year UN peacekeepi­ng mission, the Nationa l Cent re for Peacekeepi ng Forces, Mines and Explosive Remnants of War (NPMEC) told The Post on Wednesday.

N P M E C s p o k e s w o m a n Kosa l Malinda sa id t he 204 members, of whom 10 a re women, will join peacekeepe­rs f rom ot her count r ies i n t he c on st r uc t ion of r oad s a nd pe ac eke epi ng f or c e s’ he a dqu a r t e r s , a s wel l a s ca r r y out mine clea ra nce.

“In t his mission, our blue hel met forces w i l l be st ationed in t wo locations – Bria and Bambari,” she said.

Since 2006, she said, Cambodia has sent a tota l of 6,300 peacekeepe­rs, 300 of t hem women, wit h sk i l ls in mine c l e a r a n c e , e n g i n e e r i n g , public order, level 2 hospita ls a nd a i r por t eng i neer i ng to Suda n, Sout h Suda n, Chad, Syria, Cyprus, Central Africa, Lebanon and Mali.

“More than 800 Cambodian peacekeepe­r s, 6 0 of t hem women, are current ly f ulf illing their missions under the UN umbrella in five countries – Cent ra l A f r ica n Republic, Leba non, Mali, Suda n a nd South Sudan,” she said.

Malinda sa id Ca mbodia’s active participat­ion in internatio­na l peacekeepi­ng missions shows that the Kingdom h a d f u l l y i mpl e me n t e d

memorandum­s of understand­ing it had signed with the UN and demonstrat­es the country’s commitment to peace.

Paulin Tamesis, the UN coordinato­r in Cambodia, recently said Asean member states have provided strong support to UN peacekeepi­ng missions.

She took particular note of Cambodia, which ranks 29 out of the 122 countries that have contribute­d to the UN peacekeepi­ng missions.

“In the peacekeepi­ng sector, the Royal Government of Cambodia has shown a vision aimed at ensuring the sustainabi­lity of sending peacekeepi­ng forces.

“It is committed to continue participat­ing in UN missions as its contributi­on to the internatio­nal community and to seek peace for other countries in the world at the request of the UN,” she said.

 ?? HENG CHIVOAN ?? A ceremony is held before Airport Engineerin­g Unit 198 and Explosive Ordnance Disposal Unit 132 are deployed to South Sudan last year on a UN peacekeepi­ng mission.
HENG CHIVOAN A ceremony is held before Airport Engineerin­g Unit 198 and Explosive Ordnance Disposal Unit 132 are deployed to South Sudan last year on a UN peacekeepi­ng mission.
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