The Phnom Penh Post

How is India’s fight against Covid-19 being managed on the ground?

- Shailaja Chandra

WHILE Covid-19 ravages the world, little is known about the disease’s spread in India’s rural hinterland and congested urban areas. More importantl­y, how is it being managed? Will India follow a similar, or even worse trajectory as China, Italy and Iran? What would that mean in a country of 1.3 billion people, which is often depicted as bumbling and chaotic, with poor health facilities and desperatel­y short of medical manpower?

Two-thirds of India’s 1.3 billion population is rural, spread over 728 districts in about 650,000 villages. As of Tuesday, 10,814 cases had been reported, with and a death toll jumping to 353. This, despite taking stout measures long before most people were even aware of how lethal this disease could be and the way it affects human beings, who can easily succumb once it spreads in the community.

Health crisis management

India ordered an early embargo on internatio­nal arrivals, including Indian citizens, and cancelled all domestic flights. The Indian Railways, which annually carries the equivalent of the entire world’s population, imposed draconian checks on movement. A nationwide lockout was imposed on March 25, banning people from leaving their homes – except in pairs, only for essential provisions and medicine.

Under the Indian Constituti­on, health is governed at the state level. But when it comes to epidemic control, the Health Ministry’s directives must be and indeed are observed by all states. With the enforcemen­t of the National Disaster Management Act 2005, the administra­tive system has been reinforced. Indeed, political wrangling has abated considerab­ly, as all states have understood what is at stake.

The district administra­tion was inherited from the colonial government run by British officers who once toured the districts on horseback.

The horses have disappeare­d, but the framework remains in place throughout the country. Except that now, it is digitally proficient, precise and swift (albeit mostly in times of crisis). Every district is headed by a district magistrate (DM) or collector who represents the civil administra­tion, and who has the authority during disasters to commandeer virtually anyone and anything within the district.

At times like this, the DM’s authority is unquestion­ed and total: they (the

DMs) can requisitio­n empty buildings, privately owned transport, hotel space, and even manpower, and can order a halt or diversion of all movement, order house visits and establish systems for documentat­ion and reporting. These are executed by line department­s and enforced by the police, who themselves report to the DM. No other country has a network where administra­tive tentacles can activate so rapidly, and that can penetrate every house, rural or urban, rich or poor.

Because of a single line of district authority which, crucially, does not depend on political actors during disasters, what is otherwise viewed as a slow and unresponsi­ve administra­tion responds to crisis situations with incredible efficiency. That is how India managed to rehabilita­te the districts affected by some of the worst floods, cyclones and earthquake­s in the world, as well as eradicate polio, contain HIV/AIDS, and even the plague. Not to speak of small-pox which remains its most shining moment.

Managing crisis in Bhilwara

To understand how Covid-19 gets managed on the ground, consider the district of Bhilwara in Rajasthan (total population 2.7 million) – which has been in the news because of a Covid-19 infected private hospital doctor along with 12 of his hospital staff. A relatively sleepy, largely rural district in one of India’s poorer states, Bhilwara was only known for textiles and scroll paintings. The doctor and staff who had all tested positive have been in isolation. How has Bhilwara – headlined by the BBC as “India’s possible Italy?” – responded? By March 26, over two million people in the district – 88 per cent of the population – had been surveyed through house-to-house visits.

The DM was certain of 100 per cent coverage by March 28. This was indeed achieved, and the entire 26 lakh-plus population of the district has been combed through, followed by quarantini­ng hundreds of families and putting them under daily surveillan­ce – both on phone and in person.

The first surveys showed influenzal­ike symptoms in 2,572 persons in urban areas, but now it has been reported that the number has plummeted to 842 in the second urban survey. Positive cases are beginning to test negative.

Records of national immigratio­n

What about other states? The Indian states of Jharkhand, Chhattisga­rh and Odisha are ranked in the lowest cohort of states by the UNDP’s

Human Developmen­t Index 2018. In all three states, front-line health workers visit quarantine­d cases day and night. Each suspected case, which meets the risk threshold, is transporte­d by ambulance to the nearest health centre, where samples are drawn, and the suspect and his family are quarantine­d until the test report is generated. Health secretarie­s of all three states corroborat­e that this continues daily.

The district administra­tion itself runs electronic­ally over mobile phones. In the health sector alone, four groups operate: at the interstate level, within districts, between contiguous districts, and between health secretarie­s of the states and the union health secretary – all on phone.

Things can go out of hand as happened suddenly in Delhi with the exodus of thousands of migrants back to their villages. They travelled on foot or anything moving. The reasons why this happened would need more than what this article can include, but the good news is that they are being identified, quarantine­d and checked – even fed and given shelter – not in thousands but tens of thousands.

Human resources & technical prowess

India is actively combating Covid-19 in a way unknown to other countries using enormous human resources and technical prowess.

A generous economic package covering cash transfers, food, pensions and cooking gas has been announced for all poor people who will pay nothing out of pocket. A government sponsored insurance package has been announced for all health workers. In Delhi, measures to serve food to everyone who wants it are to begin across the wards by April 1.

The latest to throw a huge spanner in what appeared to be a manageable story is the news of a congregati­on of a very large number of people in Nizamuddin, Delhi, which has resulted in several confirmed Covid-19 cases. The visitors had travelled to India from other countries and infected people who have since travelled to different states. This was a totally unwarrante­d assembly, given that an embargo on any gathering of more than 50 people was announced from March 13 in Delhi – long before the countrywid­e lockdown came into force.

Leaving no stone unturned

Once again, the public health machinery has started combing operations which will now need to penetrate not just to find those who participat­ed in the congregati­on but who have infected contacts and contacts of contacts.

The Covid-19 crisis will certainly worsen. But it should be everyone’s hope that even as our most trustworth­y research organisati­ons, the most experience­d clinicians and scientific institutio­ns work in unison, the deep roots of the Indian administra­tive and public health system will leave no stone unturned in detecting infections and tackling them as set out in the Health Ministry’s directions.

We must salute all the people who are making this happen, and join hands in gratitude that India possesses the leadership, expertise and commitment that this situation demands. This is not the time to berate anyone – least of all the states and districts.

 ?? AFP ?? Medical technician collect a sample from a woman. India is combating Covid-19 in a way unknown to other countries using enormous human resources and technical prowess.
AFP Medical technician collect a sample from a woman. India is combating Covid-19 in a way unknown to other countries using enormous human resources and technical prowess.

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