The Phnom Penh Post

Tiger, pangolin farming in Myanmar risks ‘boosting internatio­nal demand’


CONSERVATI­ONISTS have warned that a sudden change in Myanmar’s law allowing the commercial farming of tigers, pangolins and other endangered species risks further fuelling demand in China for rare wildlife products.

The Southeast Asian nation is already a hub for the illegal traffickin­g of wildlife, a trade driven by demand from neighbouri­ng China and worth an estimated $20 billion worldwide.

Last month, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmen­tal Conservati­on’s Forest Department quietly gave the green light to private zoos to apply for licences to breed 90 species, more than 20 of which are endangered or critically endangered.

It was an unexpected move that caught conser vation groups off-guard but was explained by the department as a way to help reduce poaching of wild species and illegal breeding.

Tigers – thought to number just 22 in Myanmar – appear on the list alongside pangolins, elephants and various species of vulture as well as the Ayeyarwady (Irrawaddy) dolphin, of which only a few dozen remain in the wild in the country.

The critically endangered Siamese crocodile can now even be bred for its meat and skin.

But conser vationists say commercial farming in the long-term legitimise­s the use of endangered species and fuels market demand.

Conservati­on groups WWF and Fauna & Flora Internatio­nal (FFI) said in a joint statement: “Commercial trade has been shown to increase illegal trade in wildlife by creating a parallel market and boosting overall demand for wild animal products.”

E x per t s a l so fea r Mya nmar’s lack of capacity to regulate t he trade ra ises t he risk of disease spillover to humans f rom a nimals a nd even t he “next Covid-19”.

John Goodrich from global wild cat conservati­on organisati­on Panthera warned farming can also “provide a means for laundering wild specimens”, complicati­ng efforts to police the trade.

The Convention on Internatio­nal Trade in Endangered Species (Cites) does allow captive breeding of certain endangered species, but only under strict regulation.

But Myanmar’s abi l it y to police t he trade is disputed, say env i ron menta l g roups, who fear the country risks follow i ng i n t he foot steps of Thailand, Laos and Vietnam, which have lost much of their wildlife.

The Forest Department said the new list was drawn up “in full adherence with the law” and after consultati­on with “conservati­on groups, academics, and experts in the field”.

Conservati­onists fear the rule change risks underminin­g all the progress Myanmar had made in recent years to end the illegal wildlife trade.

Rare footage caught by FFI camera traps showed the “treasure trove” of species in Myanmar’s forests, the group said.

“We must do everything we can to protect them.”

 ?? AFP ?? Tigers, thought to number just 22 in Myanmar, appear on the list alongside pangolins, elephants and various species of vulture as well as the Ayeyarwady (Irrawaddy) dolphin, of which only a few dozen remain in the wild in the country.
AFP Tigers, thought to number just 22 in Myanmar, appear on the list alongside pangolins, elephants and various species of vulture as well as the Ayeyarwady (Irrawaddy) dolphin, of which only a few dozen remain in the wild in the country.

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