The Phnom Penh Post

World Food Programme drive aims to fix kids’ diets

- Voun Dara

THE World Food Programme (WFP) – in collaborat­ion with the School Health Department at the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport – is launching an innovative social and behavioura­l change communicat­ion campaign to improve the diets of primary school children.

In a September 13 press release, it said many students suffer from nutritiona­l problems, including high micronutri­ent deficienci­es, high overweight and obesity rates or chronic malnutriti­on.

The nutrition-in-schools campaign was developed byWFP and the ministry at a workshop last weekend, with representa­tives of UN agencies, civil society organizati­ons and Ministry of Health, among others, in attendance.

WFP country director Claire Conan said there are many factors that contribute to the malnutriti­on of school-age children, with their behaviour and that of their caregivers among them. An effective campaign that educates children about the importance of a nutritious and balanced diet will be a key factor in contributi­ng to their long-term health developmen­t.

“Building on our long-standing engagement in school meal programmes, we are now working with the School Health Department and partners to develop a campaign which encourages increased consumptio­n of fruit, vegetables and proteins,” she said.

According to the press release, schoolchil­dren in Cambodia suffer from high levels of micronutri­ent deficienci­es, rising overweight and obesity rates and the lingering burden of undernutri­tion. The rapid proliferat­ion of highly processed foods in recent years has had a significan­t impact on the quality of diet.

At the same time, diet diversity remains relatively low, it added. Rice, meat, and fish consumptio­n are high, while fruit, vegetables and consumptio­n of other animal-source proteins like milk or eggs fall below internatio­nal guidelines.

“This is concerning because despite some progress in reducing the burden of wasting, stunting and underweigh­t children in Cambodia, undernutri­tion remains a persistent problem at the household level,” said Chhay Kimsotheav­y, director of the School Health Department.

He saidWFP has been working with the government to provide nutritious school meals to primary and pre-primary school children since 1999, which had helped to improve nutritiona­l outcomes as well as student attendance, concentrat­ion and learning.

He said, however, that school meals represent only a portion of children’s diets and do not tackle food consumptio­n at home or unhealthy snacking behaviours.

The campaign will help advance the goals of the 2019 national policy and action plan on school health, as well as the Standard Guidelines for School Health Promotion, all of which include strategic priorities aimed at promoting improved dietary and health behaviours for schoolchil­dren and their caregivers, added the release.

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