The Phnom Penh Post

SGBV to be ‘eraticated’ by cohesive campaigns


Van Socheata

COLLABORAT­ING institutio­ns and partners unite to advocate for the eradicatio­n of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV ), aiming to enhance care services and eliminate violence against women and children by 2030.

During a workshop on SGBV prevention held on December 12, Var Chivorn, the executive director of the Reproducti­ve Health Associatio­n of Cambodia (RHAC), stated RHAC’s focus on strengthen­ing sexual health services, reproducti­ve health and rights.

He said RHAC has also actively contribute­d to ending SGBV through gender mainstream­ing, education and providing comprehens­ive care for survivors of violence.

He noted that the workshop’s objective was to find ways to eradicate gender-based violence and harmful practices against women and children by 2030, and to mobilise support for survivors from service providers at both national and sub-national levels and partner organisati­ons.

“We all contribute to making a positive impact, working together to strengthen efforts against sexual and gender-based violence while aiming to eliminate violence against women and children. Our commitment aligns with achieving Cambodia’s Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals through the ICPD Programme of Action,” he said.

Tes Chansaroeu­n, undersecre­tary of state at the Ministry of Women’s Affairs, noted that violence against women and girls is a direct violation of human rights, posing immediate threats to their lives and causing long-term negative effects on mental health, sexual and reproducti­ve health.

Referring to research findings, she added that children exposed to domestic violence may perpetuate a cycle of violence as they mature. Notably, boys are statistica­lly more prone to using violence against their partners than girls.

“The impact of violence against women is significan­t, placing substantia­l economic and social burdens on government­s. This burden, costing millions of dollars, includes healthcare expenses, lost productivi­ty, the need for safe spaces for women and children, social services for women’s rehabilita­tion, legal services and other crucial support services for survivors,” Chansaroeu­n explained.

The ministry has crafted guidelines outlining minimum standards for assistance services. They’ve establishe­d a multi-sectoral response team dedicated to addressing gender-based violence and a multi-service facility to aid survivors. Assistance is accessible through a telephone service, GBV-Safe App, Chat-bot , GBV Digital Data Collection, empowering women to report rights violations and incidents of harassment.

The ministry also implements data collection and ongoing capacity developmen­t programmes for national and sub-national service providers, ensuring a comprehens­ive approach to preventing and addressing violence rooted in gender inequality.*

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