Annapolis Valley Register

Help our farms grow


The comments made by John MacKay of MacKay’s Real Estate in Wolfville, pertaining to farms being a tough sell, could reflect, I feel, any type of property for sale in today’s market.

Every property is unique in its own way, whether it is residentia­l, commercial, industrial or agricultur­al. Any one of these properties may or may not appeal to a potential buyer. It is a common factor that some properties sell quicker than others, depending on price, location and other circumstan­ces.

Granted, not everyone wants to buy a farm, but we have to stop and realize, this is where our food is grown. Farming is an industry, a business that involves a great deal of time, effort, dedication and, like any business, a certain amount of financial investment. Farmers, like any new or existing businesses, need help from our government, but farmers, it seems, are always at the bottom of the list when it comes time for government assistance. There always seems to be plenty of tax dollars to help large corporatio­ns, foreign aid or broken down ships, but never any tax dollars to help our farmers grow food, which in reality is much needed to keep people from starving.

Farmers grow food, create jobs for local people and stimulates our economy. Farmers have opened up a market for our wine industry, which has grown to be the best in the country, thus adding to a big boost in our tourism sector, attracting people from all over. It is a known fact that food and wine compliment each other, and with the success of our great number of local wineries, it seems to be well known.

Our farming sector needs a lot more government funding. It is time to get our priorities in order. We need to spend our tax dollars to feed our people, and not spending and wasting millions of our tax dollars to keep an old ship afloat. Support our farmers. Gordon Arnold


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