Annapolis Valley Register

National Tree Planting Day

New Minas Elementary Green Team observes National Tree Planting Day

- BY KIRK STARRATT KINGSCOUNT­YNEWS. CA NEW MINAS kstarratt@ kingscount­ynews. ca

Members of the New Minas Elementary School Green Team understand the import role trees play in our environmen­t.

Grade 5 Green Team members celebrated National Tree Planting Day Sept. 21 by planting three trees on the school ground. Breaking up into three teams, they planted a white spruce, a larch and a maple. Blomidon Nurseries donated the trees.

Kirsten Durber and Ella McComiskey­McFadden were on the team that planted the maple tree. They agreed it was fun getting to plant trees at school. They particular­ly enjoyed helping to loosen the root system and dig the hole in preparatio­n for planting.

Durber said one reason it’s important to plant trees is “so that they can produce all the fruits that we eat.”

McComiskey- McFadden said trees “help with the oxygen” and “they clean air”, other important reasons to plant trees.

They said it would be great to visit the school at some point in the future to see how tall their tree has grown.

Teacher and Green Team leader Chelsea McOrmond said planting trees is one way for students to leave a legacy at the school.

Being involved in the Green Team is a way to get students outside, active and interested in something that will benefit the school, community and planet as a whole.

They become leaders in the school, promoting initiative­s to the younger students, and they carry the valuable ecological lessons learned with them.

There are 68 students in Grades 3 to 5 at New Minas Elementary School who are involved with the Green Team.

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