Annapolis Valley Register

Kings District RCMP logs close to 800 calls in February


Kings District RCMP responded to 787 calls during the month of February. There were 29 mental health calls, which ranged from suicide attempts to individual­s being out of control.

Twenty-seven complaints of assault were made. They could range from fights outside bars to domestic violence.

A serious assault took place at a school on Feb. 6. One youth was arrested and he faces numerous conditions.

Four sexual assaults were reported and 10 family relations calls. A total of 23 reports came in of threats being made. Thirty-five 911 calls were noted.

Other calls included, but were not limited to, the following:

Fraud calls on the rise once more

Scam phone calls are on the rise again, especially in western Kings County. Fifteen were reported in a single day last week.

Community policing officer Const. Kelli Gaudet said the callers can be very intimidati­ng and threatenin­g. They generally ask for money.

“We just want the public to know that they generally demand a transfer of cash,” she said. “If you aren’t sure talk to a friend or family member or call the police before sending any cash.”

Due to the huge increase in fraudulent calls of this type, Gaudet said she is willing to give presentati­ons to community groups seeking additional informatio­n. March is Fraud Prevention Month. ***

Ticket for misuse of 911 system

A 66-year-old Arlington male called 911 at 8 p.m. on Feb. 25. He indicated his call was for legal advice about a matter that took place eight years ago.

When told his call was not an emergency, the man became belligeren­t. He was given a ticket for misuse of the 911 system.


Prevent break-ins when possible

An overnight break-in Feb. 4 at a residence in Kingston resulted in the theft of some prescripti­on medicine. Police are investigat­ing.

Two days later a call came in from North Kentville of a tall, thin male dressed in black going through vehicles at about 4:20 a.m.

Const. Gaudet reminds vehicle owners to lock their doors, remove all valuables and call police if anything suspicious is observed.

Also, on Feb. 21, a Coldbrook church was broken into overnight and about $2,000 worth of sound equipment was stolen.

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