Annapolis Valley Register

Women’s work is going strong


The Kings West District Women’s Institute sure know how to rally together.

The group recently held its Fall Rally. Special guests included provincial president Eleanor Lilley; Kings East president Ruth Blenkhorn; provincial presidente­lect and Kings East district director Jacqueline Melvin; Kings East past district director Liz Johnson; and Kings West district director Judy Parks.

Branch reports from Cambridge, Lakeville, South Berwick and Weston were read. Lilley stated the new board was installed at the recent convention in Truro and we are all working towards a new phase of Women’s Institutes of Nova Scotia where contributi­ons and support will be integral in the months to come.

Parks thanked all four branches for generously donating to the chocolate-themed baskets at the annual general meeting as fundraiser­s, and she had enough items to fill three baskets.

The Think Tank is still functionin­g and volunteers are needed to help it find creative ways of carrying on the Truro office when funding is no longer available. The resolution concerning the eliminatio­n of district directors was discussed; the move involves doubling several districts under a regional director. The resulting reduction of expenses will help address the withdrawal of government funding.

The handcraft for the 2019 AGM will to be a wall hanging and is to be no larger than 12” x30.” It can, however, be smaller and can be made from any type of material. The Federated Women’s Institute of Canada (FWIC) logo is now “WI Canada.”

Thelma Huntley gave her “A Time for All Things” report in which she mentioned many items have been donated to the needy such as 32 quilts, 84 chemo turbans, 84 adult bibs, 98 baby hates and 12 baby sweater sets, to name a few.

She stated they have made nursing pillows and have quilts to donate around Christmas. Nothing is wasted - any leftover material scraps go into making doggie beds for the SPCA.

The idea of assisting seniors as a community project by the district was also discussed. Michelle Parker, senior safety coordinato­r for Kings County, has been approached and will be guest speaker at the Spring Social next April.

Other Kings County

WI news:

South Berwick WI will have its next meeting on Nov. 14 at 7 p.m. On the program will be Janice Lutz and Thelma Huntley.

Plans are being made for the group’s annual Christmas luncheon in the South Berwick community hall. It will be held on Nov. 24 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. with a bake table, touch and take table and a door prize.

Kings East District Women’s Institute Fall Rally was recently held and hosted by Port Williams WI. The guest speaker for the evening was RCMP community policing officer Kelli Gaudet, who spoke on human traffickin­g.

Weston WI will have their Christmas dessert tea on Nov. 10 from 2 to 4 p.m. in the Weston community hall with door prizes, baked goods, raffle, and touch and take table.

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