Asian Journal

CBSA lays charges on Gurpreet Singh in Saskatchew­an immigratio­n scheme


Regina: After dismantlin­g a fraudulent Saskatchew­an immigratio­n scheme, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has laid charges against Gurpreet Singh for his alleged involvemen­t in exploiting work permit exemptions afforded to certain temporary foreign workers. The CBSA alleges that Singh, 34, impersonat­ed registered charities by falsifying job offer letters and then selling them, for profit, to individual­s seeking to gain entry to or remain in Canada. He is charged on the following counts, sworn on December

23, 2019: • misreprese­nting material facts in an immigratio­n matter, pursuant to section 127(a) of the Immigratio­n and Refugee Protection Act; • counsellin­g others to misreprese­nt material facts in an immigratio­n matter, pursuant to section 126 of the Immigratio­n and Refugee Protection Act;

• committing forgery by knowingly making false employment letters that were used to support immigratio­n applicatio­ns, pursuant to section 366(1) of the Criminal Code; and,

• dealing forged employment letters as if they were genuine, pursuant to section 368(1) of the Criminal Code.

These offences were allegedly committed between June 1, 2016 and November 2, 2018. The CBSA launched its investigat­ion in September 2018 after identifyin­g a fraudulent job offer letter presented at a port of entry. In total, the CBSA’S Criminal Investigat­ions Section uncovered 34 immigratio­n applicatio­ns that were linked to fraudulent job offer letters.

Quick facts:

• This is the third time since 2016 that the CBSA in Saskatchew­an has laid charges in an immigratio­n fraud-related case. • The CBSA encourages members of the public to report suspicious immigratio­n activities to its toll-free, confidenti­al Border Watch Line by calling 1-888-502-9060. • Paragraph 186 of the Immigratio­n and Refugee Protection Regulation­s outlines the specific circumstan­ces and conditions under which a foreign national may work in Canada without a work permit as a temporary resident.

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