Asian Journal

Ustin Trudeau’s government only one in more than a century to increase per person debt without acing war or recession


Vancouver: Justin Trudeau is the only prime minister since 1900—and only one of three prime ministers since Confederat­ion— whose government has increased Canada’s per-person debt without facing a world war or recession, finds a new study released by the Fraser Institute, an independen­t, non-partisan Canadian public policy think-tank.

The other two prime ministers whose government­s increased per-person debt outside of times of war or recession were John Abbott (1891-92) and Mackenzie Bowell (1894-96). “Government debt matters—more debt means more tax dollars are diverted away from important public programs to pay interest, and it leaves future generation­s on the hook for today’s spending,” said Jake Fuss, policy analyst with the Fraser Institute and co-author of Examining Federal Debt in Canada by Prime Ministers Since Confederat­ion, 2020.

The study tracks the debt legacies of every Canadian prime minister since Confederat­ion—how much their government­s increased or decreased gross federal debt (which includes all federal financial liabilitie­s) during their time in office, after accounting for both inflation and population changes.

According to the study, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government will have increased per-person federal debt by 5.6 per cent from 2015 to 2019—the largest increase of any prime minister whose time in office didn’t include a world war or recession. Compare that to other recent government­s led by Jean Chrétien, Paul Martin and Lester B. Pearson, whose tenures were also without a world war or recession. The Chrétien government cut per-person federal government debt by 13.3 per cent followed by Martin’s (7.6 per cent) and Pearson’s (6.7 per cent).

Among all

government­s, that of Prime Minister Robert Borden, who governed during the First World War and four years of economic downturns, increased per-person debt levels the most (188.1 per cent). Louis St. Laurent’s lowered the federal per-person debt the most (34.3 per cent), even though his tenure included two recessions. “Justin Trudeau is the only prime minister since 1900 whose government has increased the federal per-person debt without a world war or economic downturn,” Fuss said.

“The increased debt we incur now will put financial pressure on future government­s and taxpayers.”

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