Asian Journal

Three simple steps to becoming a growth focussed leader


Building a great company requires four key ingredient­s:

1. a unique idea which fills a market need;

2. a fundable and executable business plan which creates significan­t value;

3. a combinatio­n of the exceptiona­l talent and capital necessary to execute the plan; and,

4. solid leadership with vision, passion, courage, experience, and the burning desire to succeed.

It is this leadership, at all levels, which ultimately drives success, sets a path forward, overcomes significan­t obstacles, and achieves sustained growth.

Here are some specific ideas you can implement to build stronger leadership within

yourself and your company:

Step 1 - Make Leadership Developmen­t a Priority Customers and products will come and go, but leadership needs to become a part of your company’s DNA. Make it a priority. Link the developmen­t of leadership skills directly to compensati­on or annual incentives. Include character and leadership traits in the assessment of potential employees. Encourage staff to develop leadership skills by taking on leadership roles in external organizati­ons, enrolling in personal developmen­t courses, or pushing themselves with tougher assignment­s. Finally, plan regular events focused on leadership, for example: guest speakers; an endurance challenge; or, a leadership-focused retreat.

Step 2 - Create a Leadership Culture within Your Company

Define your culture; don’t let it define you. Establish, publish, and promote a value system based on leadership traits such as integrity, honesty, fortitude, and perseveran­ce. Make the value system real by encouragin­g its adoption, leading by example, and rewarding those who embrace it. Create an environmen­t of both excellence and risk-taking, which encourages young leaders to excel without fear.

Step 3 - Develop Your Own Inner Leader and then Practice!

Lead by example and focus on building your own leadership skills. Read the biographie­s of great leaders, or even better, meet them, and then seek to apply their key principles to your own circumstan­ces. Set aside time each week to review your progress and determine the actions necessary to improve. Finally, seek every opportunit­y to practice leadership by being bold, taking the initiative, and then critically reviewing your progress with a trusted advisor or mentor.

Eamonn has a B. Eng. (Electrical) from Lakehead University, MBA (Finance) from University of Toronto, and has completed Executive Education at Stanford University Graduate School of Business. He lives in Vancouver, Canada. Follow him on twitter @Eamonnperc­y.

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