
Top picks from Benjamin Hubert

Industrial designer


LISTENING In the studio we have Spotify and all the other clichés that come with most studios; at home I have an old-school Braun record player. There’s a few things I always come back to, like RADIOHEAD and NICHOLAS JAAR. I was just listening to the new GEORGE FITZGERALD, and that’s cool.

WATCHING I’m into the same series everyone else is watching - STRANGER THINGS, GAME OF THRONES. They’re like movies with a longer narrative. I’m a sucker for bad films too. It’s very much about escapism, I don’t tend to watch anything too related to the things I deal with day to day.

READING This is kind of my Achilles heel. Most of my reading is online and in short bursts – blogs and articles, things like FAST CO. and IT’S NICE THAT. I’m a consumer of design as much as a creator of it.

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