Calgary Herald

Insite saves


Re: “Vancouver’s easy drug access may have helped kill Monteith,” Licia Corbella, Opinion, July 19.

Licia Corbella’s column sets a new standard in the realm of absurd arguments to undermine supervised injection sites like Vancouver’s Insite. It is especially shocking in the aftermath of Monteith’s tragic overdose death.

Corbella’s reference to her own addiction to “double crunch sushi” is offensive in the face of the hundreds of people who have died or been hospitaliz­ed from drug overdoses in Alberta and B.C. over the past 10 years. It displays a stunning lack of understand­ing of the plight of people who use drugs and the loss so many experience — their families, friends and colleagues.

To use Monteith’s tragic death as an opportunit­y to undermine a valuable health service that responds to overdoses by preventing them is abhorrent. Injection sites first opened in Switzerlan­d over 25 years ago as part of a comprehens­ive response to problemati­c drug use, HIV and drug overdose. They have been replicated in many European countries, Australia and Canada. There has not been one overdose death recorded in the 70-plus injection rooms globally. The irony is, had Monteith used Insite, the evidence suggests he would have lived. Corbella has it backwards — supervised injection sites save lives. Period. Donald MacPherson, Vancouver

Donald MacPherson is director of the Canadian Drug Policy Coalition at Simon Fraser


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